Saturday, February 25, 2006

"You don't have the power to make rainbows or waterfalls, sunsets or roses, but you do have the power to bless people by your words and smiles... You carry within you the power to make the world better..."—Sharon G. Larsen

I really like this quote. It was on the LDS living site for Wednesday. I think it is really true. Another saying is, "A smile is something you receive when you give it away. I know that many people's smiles have made me feel better and I hope that mine have helped others.

This morning we watched Polar Express. We borrowed it from Karen & Kent. I really enjoyed it. My husband didn't so much. He said it was too fantastic and someone's imagination really ran away with them. I liked the way the hero boy was able to forget his own fear in trying to help the hero girl and lonely boy have a good experience. I think that life is like that too. When you are thinking of others and helping others and forget yourself, then you really gain yourself. A sign on my World History teacher when I was a sophomore in high school said, When you help someone else up the hill, you get a little closer to the top yourself." And another, "Aim high. You have little chance of missing your goal when the range is the length of a lifetime." I remember those signs. I don't remember much about what he taught. He talked more about football and his life experiences than he did world history. He was the football coach. He used to boast that he had played all of the characters in the temple except the devil. Of course none of knew to what he was refering. After I had been to the temple a few times I had the tho't, "The roll of Satan probably took more talent to do than any of the other rolls." I had to smile about that. Because the next tho't was: that was probably why he didn't play it.

Karl still isn't over his cold. He didn't even go to the spa yesterday nor today. He says he feels better lying down. I may have to start talking about his going to the doctor before too long if he doesn't get better soon. If he had a cold or if it were down in his chest, then I would have done long ago. It is mostly in his head and his throat. He can hardly talk sometimes and is very hard to hear at times. Three weeks is just too long for a cold to last.

I went to the temple Thursday with my friend from my exercise class. She had gastric by pass surgery two weeks to the day after I did. We have been each others support group and become good friends. She has been a widow as long as she was married....24 years. She lives in Rigby. When I was talking to her Thursday morning, she mentioned that she had been planning on going but wasn't sure now. I told her if she decided to to come and pick me up and I'd go with her. It had been three weeks since I'd been. I was planning on going last week but Karl wasn't feeling good enough. We did two of the Singh Gill names. Now five are done out of fifteen. Last December, Karl and I did initiatory work. Our high priest group leader came the night before and brought us each fifteen names to do. He said that a Brother Gill from one of the Coltman wards was originally from India and had researched 10,000 names and would like help doing them. I don't know if the woman are further along than the men or what but Karl was told he could do only five of the fifteen names and would have to do ten temple names. I was able to do all fifteen. One of the women who helped me during the intiatory work last name was Gill. I asked if she were related to brother Gill. She said he was her husband. The next time around I told her that I'd be glad to help with the endowments for those women. She said to just take the cards home instead of leaving them their at the temple as we had been instructed. I'm glad to do this. It seems more like a "real" person than when I do a name from the temple.

It's hard to believe that the second month of the year 2006 is just about over. It was warmer today and much nicer. It was supposed to be in the high 30's. Just a week ago we had subzero temperatures. That is so unpleasant. I'm ready for spring! and it always come slower here in Idaho.


Anonymous said...

I'm going to have to look Sister Larsen up on in a moment--I recall her being part of a General Presidency(?)

Right now it's 82°F here in Phoenix, and the forecast is similar temps all week.
It might be even more unseasonably warm when you're here in six weeks!

Glad you had the chance to go to the temple with your friend and be proxy for some of Brother Gill's ancestors. I still think that's a really neat opportunity!

Hope Karl gets feeling better soon!

Anonymous said...

Okay, she was a member of the Young Women's General Presidency while I was serving as a YW leader =) Always nice to place a name/face.