Saturday, February 04, 2006

They won’t be your little babies forever. Your children are slowly becoming men and women before your eyes. You see their potential, but sometimes they don’t. Don’t worry. Here are several ways you can help build your children’s self esteem:
Be a good role model. If you want your children to have confidence, have confidence in yourself. The positive attitudes you have about yourself can create a home environment of confidence, where creativity and curiosity are encouraged.
Be realistic in your expectations. You might have dreams for your children that are completely different from their own. Let them develop their own unique talents and set their own goals. Have reasonable expectations.
Praise every accomplishment and applaud every effort. No matter how big or small, sincerely praise your children for their every accomplishment. But just as important is to praise your children for their sincere efforts. Children can—and do—often learn the most from their failures.
Avoid rescuing. Your children are going to have problems just like everybody else. Give them a chance to work them out on their own. They will gain confidence as they realize they are mature and responsible enough to solve their own problems.
Show respect and love. It is important that your children feel like they are irreplaceable in your family and that they have your respect. Be careful what you say. When there’s a need to correct your children, make sure your comments are focused on behavior. If you just accuse your children of something, they will become defensive and critical.
For more great helpful hints, check out the Jan/Feb issue of LDS Living Magazine

The above I received in my e-mail today from Deseret Book. They have been sending me e-mail since I ordered the DVD The Work & the Glory from them last year. I tho't it very good advice and found myself wishing I had such a reminder sometimes while my children were still at home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing this =)