Friday, February 03, 2006

Just Another Day

Today hasn't been that eventful. I have felt like I am coming down with a bad cold. My nose is constantly running and getting more and more sore. I felt like it was starting while we were at the temple yesterday. I didn't feel it at all when we left to go to the temple so it came on really fast. (We were planning on going to Blackfoot yesterday to visit with Karen and Macie but since they were both sick we decided to stay home. We did have a good session at the temple tho' and I got some more incite on some things I've been wondering about. It's too bad I can't really discuss it here. We ate lunch there then came home. We stopped at Deseret Book on the way to use the gift card my sister-in-law, Julie gave us for Christmas. We got five books. I think we will really enjoy them. I chose the Mormon Cook Book. I made a dip out of salsa, cream cheese and chilli without beans since I had all of the ingredients. I remember Richard making it whenever he had friends over when he was in high school. I need to get some green chillies so I can use some more of the recipes. I saw three or four that I'd really like to make and they all call for green chillies.

I've been working on the baby afghan today. I'm just about half done with it. It is looking beautiful even if I do say so myself. I have been trying to get on the site to check out some names and see if their temple work has been done. They are some names that Bryan sent to Karen in 1999 and she gave them to me a year or so ago, maybe two, because she said she would never do anything with them or she didn't know when she would do them. There are five pink slips in there and seven blue slips. I need to find out if the work has been done. I did some that my sister, Mildred sent to me about eight or so years ago. I didn't feel anything at all as I went thro' the temple and it kind of puzzled me. I went to the family history center to check things out on the IGI and found out that their work had already been done. I tho't "No wonder!" I have commited to do 15 names for a man in our stake from India. I did the initiatory work for those 15 women in December. I felt them close by. I told the wife of the man who helped with some of the initiatory work that I would be glad to do the endowments too if he wanted me to. She said to just take the names home then. I have done three and have 12 more to go. If the temple hadn't been closed the last two weeks I may have done at least one more maybe two. Then I can start on my own ancestors if I find these people's work hasn't been done.

I tried to get on the on the internet and it keeps telling me that my user name or password isn't right. So I asked them to send it to me via e-mail. And when they finally did, it was the ones I'd been using! So I tried to reregister and used Karl's name and memebership number and it keeps saying his membership information is incorrect. We looked it up so unless the bishop wrote down the memebership number wrong on his recommend, I don't know what's going on. I hope to be able to check these things out without having to go to the family history center. It would be great to do it here at home online.

They have make some changes in the IF temple in the last two weeks. They have taken out the carpet in the front and the wooden recommend desk and put in marble in both places. It really looks beautiful. Shonda said tho' it is very slick in wet weather and they had a few people fall the first day back (last Tuesday) because the weather was wet. Marble can be treacherously slick when it is wet. They also have put in new doors in the sealing rooms off of the celestial room all the way to the ceiling. And doors also leading from the veil to the curtains. They look beautiful. It is my goal to go to the temple at least twice a month this year. More if it works out. I have benn averaging about once a month. I used to have to use the elevator and stand up at all during the ceremony nor participate in the prayer circle. I now take the 23 steps and stand up all the way thro' and even have participated in the prayer circle twice. It feels so good to be able to do all of that.

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