Thursday, May 25, 2006

Quotes from the rest of the year

I tho't it would be better to divide these into at least two differnt entries.

For July:

Life's quiet moments hold all the inspiration we need for thrue and lasting happiness.
All we have to do is slow down and ooen our eyes--to the smile of a child, the colors of a sunrise, the effortless flitht of a bird.
If we can capture the simple beauty of these wonders, and carry them with us throughout each day, we'll be at peace with the world--and most of all, with ourselves.

For August:

It's always imprtant to listen to your heart, to do what ;makes you happy and brings peace of mind.
The choice is yours--you can set out on a new adventure, respond to a new opportunity, or you can say "no" to something you're just not ready for.
So next time you have a decison to make, set your daoubt aside and trust yourself to choose what's right for you.

For September:
There are many privat treasues to be found among everyday things--the chirished memories we keep in our hearts...the quiet times when, alone with our thoughts, we feel comfortable and content....the peole we're llucky enough to meet, who then become friends.
It's the deep satisfaction in all of these that ;mekes everydy things into the most valuable treasures of all.

For October:

Within every change life brings us is an opportunity to broaden our capabilities.
If we explore each opportunity with an open mind, if we welcome each challenge with an eager heart, we can learn that change is not something to turn away from but a special chance fcr growth and learning in our lives.

For November:

We are, each of us, a miracle, uniqaue in our own way.
Each day is made special by what we bring to it--the joy, the caring, the closeness we share, ur rich pasts, and vaired experiences.
We explpre our differences and become closer to each other as we celebrate the gift of friendship and the miracle of ourselves.

For December:

For every ending, there's a new beginning--a chance to set new goals, to dream new dreams, to rekindle the hope in our hearts.
For endings are a way of rediscoverihg ourselves--of learning who we are and what we need in life, of finding out where we want to go and who we want to be.

I don't know who wrote these but I tho't they all were very good. The claendar is entitled:
A Special Kind of Beauty, a 12-month Carlton Calendar for 1991.


The Ramblin Irishman said...

No,no,no. For December it should be; The Grinch rules, Santa Drools.

MomR said...

i'm glad to know that you are still alive and kicking, ramblin irishman.

Anonymous said...

I find the quotes from August and October interesting, because at first glance they seem to be contradicting each other. There seems to be a need for balance between the two, then, to listen to our own hearts without doubting ourselves and to welcome change as a chance for growth--to take appropriate challenges without overwhelming ourselves.