Monday, July 03, 2006

Stay-At-Home Mom's

Dear Abby was very good today. A woman wrote in and asked the worth of a stay-at-home Mom since her grandson doesn't think his mom does anything because she doesn't work outside the home. Dear Abby said a study showed that the average stay at home mom works 91.6 hours per week--more than double what the average office worker works. It went on to state that that would be $134,121 annually. I have four daughters-in-law who are now stay-at-home moms and a daughter who works out of her home. I hope they know their worth. It is much more than the stated amount above. Abby goes on to say that a mother's love is priceless and you throw that into the bargain and nothing can match it. She stated that at 91.6 hours per week/52 weeks a year it comes out at $28.16 an hour. Mothers with young babies can add to the hours a week because they don't get to sleep a 6-8 hour stretch for sometimes years....I tho't that very impressive and wanted to pass it on. Of course when you consider the training and teaching as well as the deliquient deterrant that stay at home moms are as well as the counsel of our prophets then the "worth" is even more. But in just monetary value it is quite a bit as it is.


Anonymous said...

I can understand the sentiment, but I'm a little leery when it comes to assigning dollar amounts to the contributions of SAHMoms.

Each mother/household is going to be different enough that there is no set formula for determining job time. Likewise there are too many variables to go into for the actual 'compensation' numbers, the level of expertise that would merit such an income, and so on.

Above and beyond any inaccuracy, though, is the idea that there must be monetary value attached to something so that society can understand its worth. If society can't appreciate that being a parent has inherent value, if we are so dependent on defining ourselves by occupation and salary (as the grandson in the column indicates) the problem is not solved by calculating market prices for SAHMoms.

It's nice to be recognized and appreciated by society (or at least an advice column or two), but I enjoy the work for free =)

MomR said...

And I'm glad you do. I personally think a SAHmom is priceless and therefore no monetary value can be placed on it. I just tho't this was an interesting article and wanted to share it.

Tigersue said...

The importance of knowing a monetary value can come in planning life insurance. If you factor in all the costs it takes to be a mother, if something should happen the life insurance can help with the needs.

K said...

I used to consider myself a sahmom but now I with girl scouts, boy scouts, mutual, piano lessons, swim lessons (even though they are taught by me, we still have to drive to get there) school event's church events etc. I now consider myself an aitc (always in the car) mom