Thursday, January 28, 2010

A Special Stake Conference

I worte this last week and forgot to post it.

We had a special Stake Conference today called by Elder Bruce Porter of the First Council of Seventy. We didn’t have a Saturday night meeting but they did have a special leadership meeting with 20 Stake Presidents and their bishops in attendance. Presiding was Elder Dallen H. Oakes, Elder Packer, son of President Packer and Elder Porter. Elder and Sister Porter were the only ones there today. It was a wonderful meeting. I could feel the Spirit so strongly. Dad sang in the choir. They were notified only ten days ago of this conference. I’m not quite sure why our Stake was chosen but they said we were chosen to have this conference.
President Heber Andrus talked first. He spoke of the importance of our continuing to read our scriptures, say our family prayers and have family home evenings. We are promised as we continue to do these things, we will be blessed with a more abundance attendance of the Holy Ghost which will keep us safe from the adversary.

President Manwaring spoke of faith and footings and how if both are square, strong and true so are we or our buildings. And President Kite told the story of the good Samaritan and talked about taking care of the poor and the needy whether it be poor in earthly things or in spirit that we need to be sensitive and help them return to strength.

President Andrus then called his daughter-in-law, the new Stake YW president, and the new Stake Primary president and a young man who was preparing to leave on a mission. He had his call because he had been thro’ the temple a week ago (up in Rexburg since ours is closed) but didn’t tell us where it he is going. They were all surprised by the call but all gave excellent talks.

After the intermediate hymn Sister Susan Porter spoke to us. She spoke of experiences they had walking where Jesus walked in the Holy Land. She said they were able to spend two weeks there a few months ago. She said that altho’ we can’t all go to the Holy Land, we can still walk how Jesus walked, talk as He walked meaning we can do the things he did: love others as He did, help others as He did, teach others as He did. It was a very good talk.

Elder Porter gave such a good talk. I believe that he has an article in the December Ensign that my Sweetheart read to me last Monday for our Family Home Evening. He spoke on many things and I could really feel the spirit. I can’t remember that much about it. I do remember that he said, ”Those who are experiencing guilt because of suffering abuse caused by someone else, need not feel guilty anymore. That the Savior took care of that for them.” Altho’ I haven’t experienced anything like that personally, I felt that there was someone there who needed to hear that. He spoke of many other things. I really could feel the Spirit. I know that he is a servant of the Father. I was able to meet him and shake my hand afterwards. As he shook my hand he called me Sister Robinson thanked me for “the service I am doing at the Family History Center. (of course I had my name tag on.) I tho’t, “That’s the least I can do.” I felt so spiritually fed after attending that meeting.

I’ve had two good weeks at the FHC. All three of my PAF classes have gone very well. There were 13 there the first two weeks and 16 there yesterday. I’m thankful that so many are interested in learning about it. I have also been able to help many of the patrons who have come in as well as some of the new missionaries. It feels so good to be able to help people. I’m very thankful for my calling as a FHC missionary and for the knowledge that has been given me and a good mind to help me remember the things I have learned so that I can help others. I really think that the fact I can do these things is a spiritual gift. I also know that this is what I am supposed to be doing at this time in my life. I’m thankful that my sweetheart supports me in this and goes with me. We have made some choice friends that we wouldn’t have met anywhere else.

1 comment:

swimmingviolist said...

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