Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Work is Going Well!

I can’t believe that two weeks have passed already since I wrote. We have been keeping busy what with church, FHC, exercising and just plain living. My sweetheart has been fighting a bad cold for two or more weeks now. It’s been forever since I’ve had a kiss. But I haven’t caught his cold! So that has had good results that way anyway. He has been able to keep up with the FHC but hasn’t felt well sometimes while doing it.

The work at the center is going very well. I’m able to help people without having to ask other missionaries how to finish up with something. It feels sooo good! A week ago on the same day, I was indexing and at two different times I looked up and two different people beckoned me over to them. And I knew enough to help them. Last Saturday, another missionary asked me to help him help another patron. That was very rewarding also. It had to do with importing another PAF file onto the patron’s own file. For some reason it wasn’t working. When I walked her thro’ it, it worked. Another missionary asked for Brother Sweat and he was downstairs on another assignment so I offered to see if I could help. I could! This time it was exporting a partial PAF file to add to her main file in such a way that there wouldn’t be a lot of matching and merging to do. The nice thing about that was: that was what I was teaching my PAF class on that afternoon. It was very good review for the class. Brother Jim Larsen came to my class. There were nine there in all at one time! The most ever. He teaches the Wednesday evening classes. He said he even learned something knew from me and was impressed with my handout. I got my handouts from Brother Sweat who used to teach the PAF class on Saturday. They have step by step instructions for each procedure. I don’t think he taught the Advanced PAF class tho’. So I will have to make my own handouts for the coming Advanced classes. I at least have an example to follow from the previous classes. It will just take more time to prepare each week than it has before since I already had the instructions. We have been on our mission now for 11 months. I’m thankful that we extended as long as we did. I’m really beginning to feel like I can do some good now and know what I am doing. A couple of weeks ago I taught my husband how to do indexing. He spends quite a bit of time on a computer now. It is good to see him doing it.

I had my annual eye exam a week or so ago with good results. Altho’ my eyes are very dry, the doctor could tell just by looking at them that they were dry, my retinas and everything look good. The vision in my right eye is 20/50 but the left is 20/30. So I’m still good to drive. I just need to put Systane eye lubrication drops in my eyes three or four times a day. They really do feel much better. I felt like I had allergies or something because they were burning.

I also went to see my orthopedist a couple of weeks ago. The nurse measured me and said that I was 5’ ¾”. I said, “I am not! I am 5’2”!” She asked if I wanted her to prove it and I told her yes! Well, she remeasured me and proved that I am 5’ ¾”. When we went to our daughter’s place Saturday to help celebrate her middle daughter’s 22nd birthday, I stood by her and she is considerably taller than I am. She is 5’2”. I also stood (all of us were in stocking feet) by her youngest daughter who is 5’ 1 ½ “ tall and she is also noticeably taller than I am. So I am shrinking for sure!! I used to think I was almost 5’ 4” because I knew I was about ½ inch shorter than my mother who always said she was 5’ 4 ¼ “. So I figured I was between 5’ 3 ½ “ and 5’ 3 ¾ “. When I had my knee surgery, they measured me and said I was 5’ 2” then. That’s what I was the last time I was measured. I admit it has been awhile since I was measured and I can’t reach my top cupboards like I used to could (thank goodness my husband is tall) but under 5’ 1” or just over 5’! It makes me wonder what I will end up at. Oh, the crowning convincer of my shortened stature: we had a Hawiian Luau for our ward party last Friday night and I wore my muumuu and kept tripping over it! Which I had never done before.

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