Tuesday, March 04, 2008

The Last of February to the First of March

Last Monday we had zone conference there at the FHC. President and Mrs. DeMordant of the IF Temple presidency were the speakers. I got to know him at the hospital. He was one of our radiologists. He and his wife have been mission parents in the South Africa, Johannesburg Mission. Sister DeMordant stated that one way they kept their new converts coming and not falling between the cracks was they instituted a program where within one week of their baptism they were visited by members who talked to them about doing baptisms for their kindred dead. They started this by asking if they had any other relatives who were members of our church. If the answer was no then they started telling them about baptism for the dead. They started them on making some records with starting with themselves, adding their parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. In essence, starting on their family history. Within two months they had them entering the temple doing baptisms for their kindred dead and after one year 80% of their converts entered the temple for their own endowments. It sounded wonderful! President DeMordant told the history of Family History. I found it very interesting. The one statement he made that really thrilled me and I sat up and took notice of was: The general authorities (I don’t remember which ones) have stated that those who work on geneoalogy, family history, whichever you wish to call it we be greatly blessed and their children and their children will also be greatly blessed. And angels will attend them. My tho’t was, our children and grandchildren will have angels attend them because of our service here as well as my husband and me being blessed. That made me feel very good.

This past Friday and Saturday was Time Out for Women. I am so thankful that I attended. I had never been to one before. I so thoroughly enjoyed it and feel so loved and so much better about myself than I did before. The presenters (that’s what they called them instead of speakers) were for Friday evening, Wendy Watson Nelson, wife of Russell M. Nelson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and Sheri Dew with Jenny Oakes Baker playing many numbers on her violin. I loved all of it. Sister Nelson talked of asking pertinent and poignant questions whenever things get boring, or we are troubled. We can ask them of ourselves or of others as well. Sister Dew told us that our “Sphere of Influence” was much larger than we can ever imagine. Jenny played some popular, classical and familiar pieces and hymns. She plays beautiful and is quite a showman. I came home feeling so filled. My granddaughter picked me up and we met her mother there as well as my daughter-in-law, my daughter’s husband sister and two of her daughters, and my gradndaughter's mother-in-law. There were eight of us together. There were over 1800 women there. The place was sold out.

The next morning my granddaughter picked me up at 7:10 and we met her mother there. The others came later. The place was packed again. Both times the pre-show was done by Mercy River a trio of three young wives and mothers. They have beautiful voices that blend so well. They sang a few songs then put words up on the screen and had us sing some favorite hymns. It was very enjoyable and also set the mood very well. They first presented all of the presenters of the day after welcoming us. They were Kenneth Cope, Emily Watts, S. Michael Wilcox, Chris Stewart, Jason Wright, and Sharon G Larsen. Kenneth Cope is a song writer/singer. His songs are so poignant and right to the point. He writes many of his own songs altho’ he did a medley of other songs too. One of his songs was about God loving broken things (people). I later learned (I couldn’t see the program well enough to read the individual bios until after I got home—the lights were dim.) that he is now serving as a bishop. It made a lot of sense to me because he seemed so close to our Heavenly Father. I tho’t, “Ahh, that explains it.”

Sister Emily Watts is the author of “Take two chocolates and call me in the Morning”. She could be so funny and yet so serious and spiritual. She talked about Mother guilt and how we all have it but really shouldn’t because our children are given their agency and most things we feel so guilty about isn’t our fault. Brother Wilcox is an institute teacher at the University of Utah. He spoke on the great and wondrous world the Lord has made for us. He gave an analogy of the queen of chess. He explained that the queen is the most powerful piece on the board. And then he said, “You sisters are God’s queens.” My heart swelled with knowing the truthfulness of that statement. Notice I didn’t write and he didn’t say that the queen was the most powerful and important piece on the board. Only the most powerful. He was referring to our roles as wives and mothers, teachers, etc. It kind of goes along with our “Sphere of Influence being greater than we can imagine.” Unfortunately, Satan also knows that and has been trying to put women down since the beginning of time.

Brother Stewart is a former pilot with the Air Force and also a well renowned author. He wrote the “Great and the Terrible series. He could be funny at times but also very spiritual. Jason Wright wrote the “Christmas Jar” and “The Wednesday Letters”. He spoke of the way hand-written letters have almost become obsolete with all of today’s technology. He challenged each of us to hand write a letter that night. I chose to write to my mother. I wrote seven pages as fast as I could write. Karl told me that it looked like my nurse’s writing. J Sister Larsen is a survivor of cancer, infertility and a wayward son. She is also Ardith Kapp’s sister. She mentioned that when she was serving on the general Young women’s board she and Sheri Dew were traveling companions. Sheri has always been very popular and she found herself being ignored while everyone made a big fuss over Sheri. She told of one time Sheri stated, “I’m always a bride’smaid and never the bride.” Sharon said, “ I told her to stuff it! I am Ardith Kapp’s sister and Sheri Dew’s traveling companion!” She got a big laugh out of that. She was also very spiritual. She said her four most important things to remember were: (And she stated that we may have different ones but should have equally important ones to us)
Forgive and be Fogiven
Remember the Lord knows what will make you happy
Keep your covenents
And I can’t remember the last one. They were all very good.
Anyway, I came away feeling so loved by my Heavenly Father and so thankful that I am a woman. The next morning before church I was practicing for RS. I had chosen “My Nature is Devine” from the Young Women’s song book. The last part of that states, “You my child are mine” saying the spirit whispers it to us. And all of those wonderful feelings came back to me. I hope I can carry that feeling with me for a long time.


Anonymous said...

I wish they had Time Out in Utah or close by. Micheal Wilcox is my institute teacher. He teaches an adult class every Wednesday in Sandy. I love his class.
Lisa W

MomR said...

I can really tell why. He is such a good teacher!
Did you get my GEDCOM file and were you able to put it on your site? I haven't been able to access it for some reason. I don't know why.

Anonymous said...

Yes I got it and David put it on the site.