Sunday, January 27, 2008

This is this weeks entry!

I didn’t go exercise this week either. The temperatures were so cold Monday and Tuesday that I didn’t go anywhere. They didn’t even have school Tuesday (Monday was a school holiday anyway or they wouldn’t have had school anyway.) It was a -34 with wind chill. Now that is cold!

I had my nails done Wednesday and didn’t go anywhere Thursday or Friday. I did get my book and video/DVD shelves cleared off and organized Friday tho’. It really was an all day job. I gathered up all of the VHS’s and put them in plastic bags to take to DI. They are still good and can be used again so I don’t just want to throw them away. Many of the movies that were recorded on them we now have the DVD for. And the others I didn’t want to watch them anymore. One time was enough.

Wednesday at the FHC I typed on obituaries for most of the day. I did check two drawers of micro film and then looked at the one micro film and found some more Bernard’s. They have all had their work done. But I at least have them added to my line now. Yesterday tho’ was very different. We had five missionaries not there for various reasons so we were short. And we got very busy. I helped eight or nine people my self! The most ever in one day. I was able to show some people how to do the digital copier that enables one to make a copy of information from a micro film. It has taken me a while to learn it but I have used it four or five times myself now so am quite proficient at it. I’m glad I have learned how to use this tool. I was the only one there yesterday who knew how to use it. It gives me such a good feeling when I help or teach someone. One couple came in to put her stepmother’s name on a temple submission disk so she could do her work and have her sealed to the husband. They had me do the typing. Usually I just sit beside them and tell them what to do. But the wife said she didn’t know anything about computers and her husband did but didn’t have the right glasses with him so he couldn’t see the screen that well. After I go thro’ I asked them if they had a PAF program on their computer. The husband relied, “Yes, but I don’t know anything about it so it doesn’t do me any good.” I told him that if he would bring his information on his children, parents, grandparents etc. (and the right glasses [this with a smile and he smiled back]) that one of us would sit down with him and walk him thro’ it and by the time he had all of that information on he would know enough about the program that he would be able to do it himself. The wife asked when I worked. I told her Wednesdays 1-9 and Saturdays 9-5. That made me feel really good that she asked. I will look for them next week.

Last evening and today was Stake Conference. We had planned on going but we were both so tired by the time we got home from the FHC that we didn’t get there last night. My husband sang in the choir today and we both went. I was glad I did. It was a very good meeting and the music was just wonderful. They did such a good job both the singers and the accompanists.

I am determined to do more exercising this coming week. Time will tell.

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