I can’t believe it’s been three weeks since I wrote. Last Tuesday, I had an implant put in the right bottom part of my jaw for a crown so I will have teeth to chew on on the right side of my mouth. I have been having to do all of my chewing on the left side. My dentist told me that if I lived as long as my mother, I my teeth would wear out. I found out that an implant is really more painful than having a tooth pulled. I didn’t go to the FHC at all Wednesday and yesterday I just went to teach my class. I have noticed that it is more painful if I talk a lot. I am still on pain pills but have cut down to one 5mg hydrocodone instead of two 7.5. So I am improving. I have a bruise on the right side of my chin that I can half way cover with make-up.
A week ago Wednesday was our RS birthday party. Wednesdays are usually slow after 5:00 pm so I was planning on going. Well, I didn’t get there. A woman came in in a little motorized scooter. She is big in politics in this area. She wanted my help in giving her children the benefit of all her research years ago. I gave her some ideas and told her what I had done: I take my flash drive with me when I go visit my children and plug it into their computer and transfer all the data. I gave her some ideas how to do that. What with new.familysearch now and the new programs, it won’t be hard to do at all. As she was preparing to leave, she asked my name and wrote it down and then gave me her card. Under her name was the term media assistant. I tho’t maybe she could help us get the work out about our open house we plan on having in the fall. The second time I was prompted I knew I should say something. So I asked her about it. She said, “That is my calling! That is what I do.” We talked about that for awhile. It was so neat. Consequently I didn’t get to my RS dinner but, I knew I was where I was supposed to be when I was supposed to be there.
Today, M C C was blessed. Their meetings started at 1:00pm. Ours started at 11:00 am. Shani had called to invite us almost two weeks ago. I hadn’t tho’t about it all this week what with my tooth, etc. I had put it on my calendar but hadn’t looked at it for a few days. When we got to sacrament meeting, P C announced that the bishopric is in short supply. He was the only one there and he would be leaving so to put any contributions under the door to the bishop’s office. I tho’t, “I wonder where he is going…” Then I tho’t, “Oh, my goodness, it is M’s blessing today!” so we left after sacrament meeting, stopped at the house to get a couple of pain pill, (I was glad I had them) then went out to the Summit Park building to the Lincoln 6th Ward. It was a very nice meeting. M wasn’t the only baby blessed. A baby boy named Canyon was also blessed. S explained that they have so many babies in their ward that they bless babies every Sunday. But they can do no more than three at a time. In the circle was Papa Gray (Grandpa G) Grandpa C, Great grandpa R, Uncle W and maybe G J, K’s boyfriend, as well as the bishopric. I got to hold her both before she was blessed and also the rest of the sacrament meeting after she was blessed then a little again at the house. (Since I don’t get to see her very often, I’ll hold her any chance I get.) After sacrament meeting we went to the house for a luncheon. It was all very nice. Paul came later after he went back to the church to take care of things then came to the house to have something to eat. J with the help of his dad, has pretty much finished the family room and M’s bedroom in their basement. They have moved the TV downstairs and have a different couch in the living room. There is much more room in the living room now. It will double the area of their house I am sure. They did a very good job and it all looks so nice. All in all it was a good day.
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