Monday, March 09, 2009

Installment # III

It was good to get back to the FHC. We were told we were missed. We took some ribbing because we weren’t there. I just told them we went down where it was warm. 85 degrees on the day Emma was baptized! It was very cold here we were told. I helped a few people. I am so thankful for the knowledge I have gained since we started there. A couple of weeks ago I told Elder that our mission ends in October. He said that I’d better stay around longer than that. That he had put my name in for something and I’d just better stick around. I am already teaching the PAF classes on Saturday so can’t imagine what it is all about. Time will tell.
I’ve had a couple of insights the last little while, while working there: the one was just the other day. One of the new missionaries was asking me about putting still born instead of child in the baptism and endowment fields on the individual screen. And the spirit let me know that they didn’t need to be sealed to their parents because the Atonement had taken care of them. That was a comfort to me because I have worried about little ones who are still born who wouldn’t have been BIC. I feel that the spirit is in the body before the child is born. I have felt life inside of me five times. And I know that those babies are alive before they are born. I feel that the spirit enters the body at quickening or when the mother first feels life. That is just my feelings there is no scripture or verse to support it. I feel that if the spirit is still on God’s timetable then it is only in the womb a second or so before it is born. Like I said, I have nothing to support it I just feel that way.

The other thing happened about a month ago. I was helping a young woman trying to register for Nothing was working. She was getting sooo discouraged. She said that she lived an hour and a half away from IF and that she had planned to leave around 10:00 that morning to get to the FHC. Everything went wrong and kept her from leaving until after noon. She didn’t get there until almost 2:00. I asked her if there was a chance she had already registered because it told us that her user name had already been used. She told me that her husband may have registered her. So I found out that she had an e-mail address that she would be able to retrieve online so we sent in the request for her user name and password to be sent to her e-mail address. After we retrieved that, we were still having problems and couldn’t get the program to accept to so we could change her password to something easier for her to remember. She was ready to throw up her hands and quit. I told here that Sister F was just in the next room and she would be able to help us get it straightened out. She said she just wanted to get home; it would take her an hour and a half anyway to get home. I told her that it would only take a minute or two and that she would have to call either SLC or us to get it straightened out anyway so she gave in. S. F typed in the exact same name and password that we did and it worked for her! So S. F changed her password right then and there for her. The young woman went back into the main room and was able to find three generations of her ancestors who needed their work done! She was soo elated. She said, “I was beginning to wonder if my ancestors wanted their work done.” (She h ad told that she was a fairly recent convert.) I replied, “I don’t think it was you ancestors that would try to throw a wrench into things because they have the choice whether to accept the work being done for them or reject it.” “But,” I said, “ I do believe Satan would try to discourage you from doing this work because he knows how important it is that it be done and he would try to thwart you by causing you to become discouraged.” I felt the Spirit witnessing to me that what I said was true as I said it. It is a neat feeling.

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