Sunday, September 23, 2007

Blog Entry for September 23

Altho’ I was feeling better on the whole this week, I could tell I still tired easily. I heard a guy on the radio on the way to my nail appointment mention that he had had a doozy of the flu. I tho’t, “Maybe that’s what I had because it did take me longer to get over and took me down quite a ways. I did exercise three times during the week and had a nail appointment as well as an appointment for a perm Friday. We also went to the temple Friday evening. We went to the bishop’s afterwards for dessert. It was nice associating with the other couples who were there.

Wednesday, I taught my first patron class at the FHC. It was on the Family History Library Catalog. I remember the first class I had on it and it seemed to all go over my head. I practiced a few times both at home and the center. The FHLC is found at When clicked on it brings up a screen that has about seven different searches on it. I was to go thro’ each search and explain how to use each one. There were about ten people in the class. Only two were patrons; the rest were missionaries. I felt that it went very well. I had all of the keywords that I wanted to use written down and had practiced it three or four different times. When I was going thro’ it again Wednesday morning, I typed in Rufener for the Surname search and nothing happened. I knew that it had worked the other times I had tried it but tho’t I’d better have another name available if it should happen again. I typed in Call. Up came a list of things that had the name Call in. One of them was the 50 ancestors pioneers of Dallen Harris Oaks and June Dixon Oaks. I looked down thro’ the list and there was Cyril and Sally Tiffany Call. They are my third great grandparents on my maternal grandmother’s side. I didn’t know whether it was Elder Oaks or his wife but I was excited. When we got back that night I called my mother and told her about it. She said, “Well, of course! His first wife was a full cousin to Grandma Hurst. She was Uncle Willard’s daughter.” She may have known that but I didn’t. I tho’t then, “Even tho’ we are not related by blood to Elder Oaks, we are sealed to the same people!” I gave the others a chance to have me type in places or names. The class lasted about 35 to 40 minutes. People said that I did a good job. The patrons that had come in asked a couple of other questions and I helped them with that for a few minutes. We also had to help with microfilm inventory. We each were assigned four or five drawers that we were to go thro’ and check each box and make sure that the film in the box had the same number on it as the number on the box. Each drawer has 50 to 70 films in. it seemed to take forever! I only did two drawers on Wednesday and saved the last two for Saturday. Later that evening a woman came in and wanted to put her aunt’s and the aunt’s husband names thro’ temple ready to make a TSD (temple submission disk) so she could take them to the temple. I helped her, figured I knew what I was doing because I had done it many times. Well we went thro’ everything (she had to type the names into a new PAF program because she had just brought them in on a paper family group sheet) and as it finished it said there was one sealing to spouse but no endowments. Since they had been baptized in their youth but had never gone thro’ the temple in their lifetime, that is just exactly what they needed. I went to Sister Hendricks, our Wednesday supervisor until 5:00 pm when Brother Hall takes over. She said that she was shown how to take care of that just that morning. So she went over to the computer with us and we went thro’ what she had been shown and it didn’t work. I ended up doing it three different times on three different computers and it still didn’t come out right! By that time Brother Hall was there. He uses the old DOS program so walked her thro’ that. She had to type everything in again. It’s a good thing that there were only the two names. And she was finally able to get her TSD. Later I asked Sister Killian, the wife of the director, about it. She said that the program does have a glitch and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t and when it doesn’t, you have to put each name thro’ individually, not just as individuals as we had tried to do. So now I know two ways to get around that problem if it should happen again.

Thursday was laid back and Friday after going to water aerobics and then getting my perm, as I stated above we went thro’ the temple. I had attended three different classes last week at Apple Athletic Club. Monday, I went to the Joint Efforts water class (that’s the one with joint problems and must move more slowly and not jump around so much). Tuesday we went to Silver Sneakers and then Friday the water aerobics. I’m hoping to go all five days this coming week. I can do water aerobics Monday, Wednesday and Friday and Silver Sneakers Tuesday and Thursday. That is a full week of it.

Yesterday at the FHC I finished the two drawers I need to inventory. It seemed to take forever. I started right out of prayer meeting. There was a 10:00 learning computer class that I attended. I had tho’t of attending the two previous weeks but was helping someone else or just spaced it so this was the first one I had attended. I hope they teach them again before too long. I took a chunk out of my right index finger on the drawer braces that hold the drawers in place. It was much easier to set the lower drawers on the table to go over the film instead of bending over. I was able to spend about an hour and a half on the computer is all. That isn’t much time in eight hours. I was surely tired when I got thro’ last night. It has carried over into today. I’m looking forward to January when our meeting go to 11:00 on Sunday mornings then I won’t have to hurry so fast on Sunday mornings. It has been a good day today tho’.


K said...

It sounds like your work at the FHC is quite fascinating.

I think it would be fun to be able to find your ancestors and find out others whom you are related to on a daily basis. I used to take my elderly neighbor to the FHC on a weekly basis but I am so busy now that I just haven't been able to make time for that.

It was good reading your blog today. I do read your blogs I am just not much for commenting these days. I am more of a lurker

I love you. I hope you get over whatever it is that is draining you of energy


MomR said...

Thanks for the comments, Kimberly. I appreciate them.