I worte this last week and forgot to post it.
We had a special Stake Conference today called by Elder Bruce Porter of the First Council of Seventy. We didn’t have a Saturday night meeting but they did have a special leadership meeting with 20 Stake Presidents and their bishops in attendance. Presiding was Elder Dallen H. Oakes, Elder Packer, son of President Packer and Elder Porter. Elder and Sister Porter were the only ones there today. It was a wonderful meeting. I could feel the Spirit so strongly. Dad sang in the choir. They were notified only ten days ago of this conference. I’m not quite sure why our Stake was chosen but they said we were chosen to have this conference.
President Heber Andrus talked first. He spoke of the importance of our continuing to read our scriptures, say our family prayers and have family home evenings. We are promised as we continue to do these things, we will be blessed with a more abundance attendance of the Holy Ghost which will keep us safe from the adversary.
President Manwaring spoke of faith and footings and how if both are square, strong and true so are we or our buildings. And President Kite told the story of the good Samaritan and talked about taking care of the poor and the needy whether it be poor in earthly things or in spirit that we need to be sensitive and help them return to strength.
President Andrus then called his daughter-in-law, the new Stake YW president, and the new Stake Primary president and a young man who was preparing to leave on a mission. He had his call because he had been thro’ the temple a week ago (up in Rexburg since ours is closed) but didn’t tell us where it he is going. They were all surprised by the call but all gave excellent talks.
After the intermediate hymn Sister Susan Porter spoke to us. She spoke of experiences they had walking where Jesus walked in the Holy Land. She said they were able to spend two weeks there a few months ago. She said that altho’ we can’t all go to the Holy Land, we can still walk how Jesus walked, talk as He walked meaning we can do the things he did: love others as He did, help others as He did, teach others as He did. It was a very good talk.
Elder Porter gave such a good talk. I believe that he has an article in the December Ensign that my Sweetheart read to me last Monday for our Family Home Evening. He spoke on many things and I could really feel the spirit. I can’t remember that much about it. I do remember that he said, ”Those who are experiencing guilt because of suffering abuse caused by someone else, need not feel guilty anymore. That the Savior took care of that for them.” Altho’ I haven’t experienced anything like that personally, I felt that there was someone there who needed to hear that. He spoke of many other things. I really could feel the Spirit. I know that he is a servant of the Father. I was able to meet him and shake my hand afterwards. As he shook my hand he called me Sister Robinson thanked me for “the service I am doing at the Family History Center. (of course I had my name tag on.) I tho’t, “That’s the least I can do.” I felt so spiritually fed after attending that meeting.
I’ve had two good weeks at the FHC. All three of my PAF classes have gone very well. There were 13 there the first two weeks and 16 there yesterday. I’m thankful that so many are interested in learning about it. I have also been able to help many of the patrons who have come in as well as some of the new missionaries. It feels so good to be able to help people. I’m very thankful for my calling as a FHC missionary and for the knowledge that has been given me and a good mind to help me remember the things I have learned so that I can help others. I really think that the fact I can do these things is a spiritual gift. I also know that this is what I am supposed to be doing at this time in my life. I’m thankful that my sweetheart supports me in this and goes with me. We have made some choice friends that we wouldn’t have met anywhere else.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
How Do You Hold Onto An Angel?
Monday, I learned that my niece had her baby and it only lived three short hours. My heart literally aches for her, her husband and her parents. My mother’s parents have 200 descendants and this is the first and only baby that has died shortly after birth in those descendants. It is such a sad thing. My tho’t has been that she only needed to receive her body to go on in her eternal progression. Understanding that helps but does not take away the pain. I was wondering the other day if my father, who died forty years ago, was there to greet her. As I wondered this, the Spirit whispered to me that he may have been but the Savior was there to greet her with open arms for sure. I am copying two documents that my brother sent me. The first is written by the father of the baby and the second by my brother:
Colette’s Story
January 26, 2010
There are many and yet no words that I can say that does our hearts justice. The last few days have held many colors of emotion. In this small time our family has lived a lifetime.
We have felt the excitement of a new spirit knocking at our door. The whirlwind of change as she joined us in the delivery room. The pride felt of knowing our family is +1. This was a daughter of our god making herself known. The sudden energy of compassion poured out around us from the resourceful and intelligent staff. The loving power and awarmth of the priesthood. The dizzying amount of technological advancements beeping around us. The capability to say, “I love you”, over long distances. The painful reluctance and humble concession to our Heavenly Father’s will. A tender snuggle from one so small. The tears of strangers now shared as a untied family. The thunderous unyielding efforts to reunite mother with daughter. The peaceful feel of a daughter returned home. The piercing heartbeat of a unbreakable bond.
Our Heavenly Father has blessed us, not only with another one of his daughters, but one who cared to make herself known. One so strong in spirit that she, communicated with a two year old using gentle nudges from a tummy, bring a smile to her older brother’s face in just single thought, unite mother and father closer than ever before, bring complete strangers together with strength of spirit and conviction. She delivered our Heavenly Father’s tender mercy and love with a single, self-sustained breath.
She shared her simple testimony with us and now, I as her earthly father share this part of my heart and the testimony of my love for our Savior. I testify of the simple truth of our Heavenly Father’s perfect plan, and with a heavy heart, relay how grateful I am for the blessings that come from an Eternal Family. I encourage all who read this to take this little girl’s humble example and share your life’s testimony. Have no fear even until your last breath! I have learned that without words you have the power to change hearts and strengthen many!
With humble gratitude I leave you this testimony in the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
How Do You Hold on to an Angel?
By Roy C Wendel
As I write these words, my heart is breaking. After a brief three-hours in mortality, my precious, sweet, perfect little granddaughter, Colette Eliza Chadwick returned home to a loving and understanding Heavely Father. This all happened on Sunday, January 24, 2010.
I awoke early Monday morning, sobbing in my bed. later that day I went downstairs and wrote three questions on a pad of paper.
1. How do you hold an Angel?
2. How many tars does it take to heal a broken heart?
3. Who helped her home?
When I woke up this morning, Tuesday, January 26th the answers came to me through the warm comfort of the spirit.
Angels come and go in our lives all of the time. Some stay for a while and some do not. Colette is one of those angels! She came-she only needed a physical body to complete her salvation and become perfect. She drew one unassisted breathe into her small undeveloped lungs. That was all she needed to be perfected. So I ask the question again- How do you hold onto an angel? The answer I received was swift and clear-“You don’t hold on to an angel- Angels hold onto you!”
Broken hearts are hard to heal. It seems that a heart breaks all at once. One moment it is whole- the next it is shattered. Like a piece of crystal thrown against a brick wall-it seems impossible to reassemble! As I lay in bed crying I was asking this question, “How many tears will it take to heal a broken heart?” again the answer was swift and sure-“it takes a million gazillion tears to heal a broken heart—but they are not all yours!” tears have been shed by family, friends, and most importantly by our Savior. We have been surrounded by love, supported by faith, and taught a great lesson by an angel who lived such a short time. Yes, there will be lots of tears-but no one will be shedding them alone!
I once had the privilege of helping the primary present a depiction of the plan of salvation to the children. They went from pre-mortal life to mortality then on to immortality. At each stage I was able to talk with them and explain what was going to happen. I felt impressed to say to each of them, “Don’t worry, although you don’t know exactly what is going to happen, there will be someone there who knows you and loves you and they will help you along.” This morning I was wondering about Colette. I was reflecting on my third question, “Who was there to help her home?” once again the answer was plan and perhaps more than comforting. It was just two words that came into my mind—“I AM” the great I AM—the creator and Savior of the universe, the keeper of the gate who employeth no servant there, it was He who received Colette, it was He who gave me comfort and understanding.
Now the real work begins. We have a member of our family who is perfected and waiting for the rest of us. It is my prayer that we will each do what we know we need to do to make sure that this little, sweet, perfect, Colette Eliza Chadwick is not alone.
Remember—you don’t hold an angel—an angel holds on to you!
Colette’s Story
January 26, 2010
There are many and yet no words that I can say that does our hearts justice. The last few days have held many colors of emotion. In this small time our family has lived a lifetime.
We have felt the excitement of a new spirit knocking at our door. The whirlwind of change as she joined us in the delivery room. The pride felt of knowing our family is +1. This was a daughter of our god making herself known. The sudden energy of compassion poured out around us from the resourceful and intelligent staff. The loving power and awarmth of the priesthood. The dizzying amount of technological advancements beeping around us. The capability to say, “I love you”, over long distances. The painful reluctance and humble concession to our Heavenly Father’s will. A tender snuggle from one so small. The tears of strangers now shared as a untied family. The thunderous unyielding efforts to reunite mother with daughter. The peaceful feel of a daughter returned home. The piercing heartbeat of a unbreakable bond.
Our Heavenly Father has blessed us, not only with another one of his daughters, but one who cared to make herself known. One so strong in spirit that she, communicated with a two year old using gentle nudges from a tummy, bring a smile to her older brother’s face in just single thought, unite mother and father closer than ever before, bring complete strangers together with strength of spirit and conviction. She delivered our Heavenly Father’s tender mercy and love with a single, self-sustained breath.
She shared her simple testimony with us and now, I as her earthly father share this part of my heart and the testimony of my love for our Savior. I testify of the simple truth of our Heavenly Father’s perfect plan, and with a heavy heart, relay how grateful I am for the blessings that come from an Eternal Family. I encourage all who read this to take this little girl’s humble example and share your life’s testimony. Have no fear even until your last breath! I have learned that without words you have the power to change hearts and strengthen many!
With humble gratitude I leave you this testimony in the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
How Do You Hold on to an Angel?
By Roy C Wendel
As I write these words, my heart is breaking. After a brief three-hours in mortality, my precious, sweet, perfect little granddaughter, Colette Eliza Chadwick returned home to a loving and understanding Heavely Father. This all happened on Sunday, January 24, 2010.
I awoke early Monday morning, sobbing in my bed. later that day I went downstairs and wrote three questions on a pad of paper.
1. How do you hold an Angel?
2. How many tars does it take to heal a broken heart?
3. Who helped her home?
When I woke up this morning, Tuesday, January 26th the answers came to me through the warm comfort of the spirit.
Angels come and go in our lives all of the time. Some stay for a while and some do not. Colette is one of those angels! She came-she only needed a physical body to complete her salvation and become perfect. She drew one unassisted breathe into her small undeveloped lungs. That was all she needed to be perfected. So I ask the question again- How do you hold onto an angel? The answer I received was swift and clear-“You don’t hold on to an angel- Angels hold onto you!”
Broken hearts are hard to heal. It seems that a heart breaks all at once. One moment it is whole- the next it is shattered. Like a piece of crystal thrown against a brick wall-it seems impossible to reassemble! As I lay in bed crying I was asking this question, “How many tears will it take to heal a broken heart?” again the answer was swift and sure-“it takes a million gazillion tears to heal a broken heart—but they are not all yours!” tears have been shed by family, friends, and most importantly by our Savior. We have been surrounded by love, supported by faith, and taught a great lesson by an angel who lived such a short time. Yes, there will be lots of tears-but no one will be shedding them alone!
I once had the privilege of helping the primary present a depiction of the plan of salvation to the children. They went from pre-mortal life to mortality then on to immortality. At each stage I was able to talk with them and explain what was going to happen. I felt impressed to say to each of them, “Don’t worry, although you don’t know exactly what is going to happen, there will be someone there who knows you and loves you and they will help you along.” This morning I was wondering about Colette. I was reflecting on my third question, “Who was there to help her home?” once again the answer was plan and perhaps more than comforting. It was just two words that came into my mind—“I AM” the great I AM—the creator and Savior of the universe, the keeper of the gate who employeth no servant there, it was He who received Colette, it was He who gave me comfort and understanding.
Now the real work begins. We have a member of our family who is perfected and waiting for the rest of us. It is my prayer that we will each do what we know we need to do to make sure that this little, sweet, perfect, Colette Eliza Chadwick is not alone.
Remember—you don’t hold an angel—an angel holds on to you!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
A New Year Already!
My, the time has flown. It is a new year and I missed the whole month of December writing here. It was a very busy month, baking, getting ready for Christmas as well as working at the FHC twice a week. We had a very nice Christmas. It was different in that Christmas Eve we had only Karen & Kent’s neighbor, Bob there plus, Karen and Kent, Kylie, my mother-in-law, my sweetheart and myself. Bob just stayed for the meal and left. The rest of us had our program. It was the smallest number yet for the program. We took turns reading the scriptures that told of Christ’s birth on both continents. Kylie and I took turns playing the piano as the others sang the Christmas carols. Karl and Kylie sand a duet of “Star Bright”. Their voices blend sooo nicely. Karl sang “O Holy Night” accapelo and of course we sang “He sent His Son” and “Let There Be Peace On Earth” accompanied by myself. It was all very nice. Mom’s neighbor was coming up to IF so brought her as far as Blackfoot. She said she had been invited to Christmas dinner at Paul’s but she was soo glad to be there with us for the Christmas Eve part as well as all day Christmas day.
We left about 2:00 the day after Christmas to take her home. We stayed with her until Monday morning when we headed for Utah to see our two sons and their families and my mother. Sunday afternoon, Paul and ElDene came over and a little later their oldest son, Kevin came over with his girlfriend, Jessica. We had a delightful visit with all of them. After they left the three of us played Rumicube, two games. It was fun. We left about 10:00 the next morning for Utah. I had talked to Kim and Bryan and Téa and Mama Saturday night. Found out that our gifts for Richard, Téa and family hadn’t gotten there. Téa had called earlier in the week saying they weren’t there yet. I discovered that I had the wrong house number on it….7654 instead of 1654. I guess I can’t read my own writing. I have corrected the address for sure. They had blizzard in Nebraska. Bryan said that in the six years that they have lived there, he hasn’t seen drifts that high before. They had about 21 inches with 40 mph winds.
Kim said it would be best if we waited to come to his house because he had to work until 9:00 pm Monday. He would be off Tuesday and Wednesday. So we stayed with Mama Monday night. That was good too. you get a different kind of visit when you stay over night instead of just visiting for a couple of hours. The same when staying with our children. it is just different when we wake up at their house instead of just stopping in for a few hours. We had a delightful time with Kim, Kimberly and their children. We played games and watched a couple of movies. I had given Karl “Ever Strong” the story of the Highland Rugby Team (SLC) and “One Good Man”. I took them both with us. Everyone seemed to enjoy watching them. we went shopping with the Kim's Wednesday afternoon then left for Michael & Tanya’s just before 5:00. We had a delightful time visiting with them too. Their two little girls are sooo cute and make you feel so welcome and loved. The others do too but…We also enjoyed Tasha and Collin too.
We spent New Year’s Eve with Michael & Tanya. We were able to play a couple of good games of Pinochle while we were there. The men got double pinochle again. But the women did too. we have been keeping track who gets it and when the last five+ years and the men get it three to one of the women getting it. We kept telling them that and they didn’t believe it so now we keep track. We left about 10:00 or so New Year’s Day (we have found that that is a good time to travel…not as much traffic as other days) and stopped at Karen & Kent’s to pick up the stuff we left there from Christmas and got home about 4:30 or so New Year’s Day. Saturday, I did the wash, made out the budget, paid the bills, etc. and quickly put the bulletin together and ran it off and folded them….all with Karl’s help.
Sunday was our first Sunday meeting at 9:00. it will be nice having a part of a day after church. Monday, I took down all of the Christmas decorations and Karl took them down stairs. It was pretty much an all day job for me. Tuesday, we went to Silver Sneakers exercise class and worked on the bulletin, Wednesday, the FHC, Thursday, Silver Sneakers, and worked on the bulletin, Friday, ran off the bulletin and got them folded and went to the temple and Saturday the FHC again where I taught my first PAF class in the series. I didn’t expect hardly anyone there. I had told a few patrons about it as they came in but didn’t really expect anyone to come. I knew that there would be one new missionary couple, so I knew there would be maybe five there. I thought I was being optimistic by printing off seven handouts. There were 16 people there!!! I was soo pleasantly surprised. It went very well and all seemed to enjoy it. All in all it was a very full week. I’ve decided that I need to keep going to Silver Sneakers. I hadn’t been to Apple Athletic Club for at least four months maybe five. Karl has kept going at least twice a week all that time but I had other things to keep me busy. I decided that I need to do it for me tho’. My blood sugars have been better and I feel better and my abs stay in much better. I need to do this!! So last weeks schedule will probably be close to last week. If I can get to Apple Athletic Club at least two times if possible three times a week, I will be much healthier. I have the bulletin pretty much down now if people will get me the material I need to put in it by Thursday evening, then I think it is a plan that will work. Time will tell.
We left about 2:00 the day after Christmas to take her home. We stayed with her until Monday morning when we headed for Utah to see our two sons and their families and my mother. Sunday afternoon, Paul and ElDene came over and a little later their oldest son, Kevin came over with his girlfriend, Jessica. We had a delightful visit with all of them. After they left the three of us played Rumicube, two games. It was fun. We left about 10:00 the next morning for Utah. I had talked to Kim and Bryan and Téa and Mama Saturday night. Found out that our gifts for Richard, Téa and family hadn’t gotten there. Téa had called earlier in the week saying they weren’t there yet. I discovered that I had the wrong house number on it….7654 instead of 1654. I guess I can’t read my own writing. I have corrected the address for sure. They had blizzard in Nebraska. Bryan said that in the six years that they have lived there, he hasn’t seen drifts that high before. They had about 21 inches with 40 mph winds.
Kim said it would be best if we waited to come to his house because he had to work until 9:00 pm Monday. He would be off Tuesday and Wednesday. So we stayed with Mama Monday night. That was good too. you get a different kind of visit when you stay over night instead of just visiting for a couple of hours. The same when staying with our children. it is just different when we wake up at their house instead of just stopping in for a few hours. We had a delightful time with Kim, Kimberly and their children. We played games and watched a couple of movies. I had given Karl “Ever Strong” the story of the Highland Rugby Team (SLC) and “One Good Man”. I took them both with us. Everyone seemed to enjoy watching them. we went shopping with the Kim's Wednesday afternoon then left for Michael & Tanya’s just before 5:00. We had a delightful time visiting with them too. Their two little girls are sooo cute and make you feel so welcome and loved. The others do too but…We also enjoyed Tasha and Collin too.
We spent New Year’s Eve with Michael & Tanya. We were able to play a couple of good games of Pinochle while we were there. The men got double pinochle again. But the women did too. we have been keeping track who gets it and when the last five+ years and the men get it three to one of the women getting it. We kept telling them that and they didn’t believe it so now we keep track. We left about 10:00 or so New Year’s Day (we have found that that is a good time to travel…not as much traffic as other days) and stopped at Karen & Kent’s to pick up the stuff we left there from Christmas and got home about 4:30 or so New Year’s Day. Saturday, I did the wash, made out the budget, paid the bills, etc. and quickly put the bulletin together and ran it off and folded them….all with Karl’s help.
Sunday was our first Sunday meeting at 9:00. it will be nice having a part of a day after church. Monday, I took down all of the Christmas decorations and Karl took them down stairs. It was pretty much an all day job for me. Tuesday, we went to Silver Sneakers exercise class and worked on the bulletin, Wednesday, the FHC, Thursday, Silver Sneakers, and worked on the bulletin, Friday, ran off the bulletin and got them folded and went to the temple and Saturday the FHC again where I taught my first PAF class in the series. I didn’t expect hardly anyone there. I had told a few patrons about it as they came in but didn’t really expect anyone to come. I knew that there would be one new missionary couple, so I knew there would be maybe five there. I thought I was being optimistic by printing off seven handouts. There were 16 people there!!! I was soo pleasantly surprised. It went very well and all seemed to enjoy it. All in all it was a very full week. I’ve decided that I need to keep going to Silver Sneakers. I hadn’t been to Apple Athletic Club for at least four months maybe five. Karl has kept going at least twice a week all that time but I had other things to keep me busy. I decided that I need to do it for me tho’. My blood sugars have been better and I feel better and my abs stay in much better. I need to do this!! So last weeks schedule will probably be close to last week. If I can get to Apple Athletic Club at least two times if possible three times a week, I will be much healthier. I have the bulletin pretty much down now if people will get me the material I need to put in it by Thursday evening, then I think it is a plan that will work. Time will tell.
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