It was good to get back to the FHC. We were told we were missed. We took some ribbing because we weren’t there. I just told them we went down where it was warm. 85 degrees on the day Emma was baptized! It was very cold here we were told. I helped a few people. I am so thankful for the knowledge I have gained since we started there. A couple of weeks ago I told Elder that our mission ends in October. He said that I’d better stay around longer than that. That he had put my name in for something and I’d just better stick around. I am already teaching the PAF classes on Saturday so can’t imagine what it is all about. Time will tell.
I’ve had a couple of insights the last little while, while working there: the one was just the other day. One of the new missionaries was asking me about putting still born instead of child in the baptism and endowment fields on the individual screen. And the spirit let me know that they didn’t need to be sealed to their parents because the Atonement had taken care of them. That was a comfort to me because I have worried about little ones who are still born who wouldn’t have been BIC. I feel that the spirit is in the body before the child is born. I have felt life inside of me five times. And I know that those babies are alive before they are born. I feel that the spirit enters the body at quickening or when the mother first feels life. That is just my feelings there is no scripture or verse to support it. I feel that if the spirit is still on God’s timetable then it is only in the womb a second or so before it is born. Like I said, I have nothing to support it I just feel that way.
The other thing happened about a month ago. I was helping a young woman trying to register for Nothing was working. She was getting sooo discouraged. She said that she lived an hour and a half away from IF and that she had planned to leave around 10:00 that morning to get to the FHC. Everything went wrong and kept her from leaving until after noon. She didn’t get there until almost 2:00. I asked her if there was a chance she had already registered because it told us that her user name had already been used. She told me that her husband may have registered her. So I found out that she had an e-mail address that she would be able to retrieve online so we sent in the request for her user name and password to be sent to her e-mail address. After we retrieved that, we were still having problems and couldn’t get the program to accept to so we could change her password to something easier for her to remember. She was ready to throw up her hands and quit. I told here that Sister F was just in the next room and she would be able to help us get it straightened out. She said she just wanted to get home; it would take her an hour and a half anyway to get home. I told her that it would only take a minute or two and that she would have to call either SLC or us to get it straightened out anyway so she gave in. S. F typed in the exact same name and password that we did and it worked for her! So S. F changed her password right then and there for her. The young woman went back into the main room and was able to find three generations of her ancestors who needed their work done! She was soo elated. She said, “I was beginning to wonder if my ancestors wanted their work done.” (She h ad told that she was a fairly recent convert.) I replied, “I don’t think it was you ancestors that would try to throw a wrench into things because they have the choice whether to accept the work being done for them or reject it.” “But,” I said, “ I do believe Satan would try to discourage you from doing this work because he knows how important it is that it be done and he would try to thwart you by causing you to become discouraged.” I felt the Spirit witnessing to me that what I said was true as I said it. It is a neat feeling.
Monday, March 09, 2009
Installment # II
Saturday, R, T, my husband and I went into Mesa temple. It has been remodeled since we were there seven or eight years ago. It is a beautiful temple. We treated them to lunch there at the temple. It takes about an hour and 10-20 minutes to drive from their house to the temple. It made me really appreciate that we just need to drive across town. We got back about 2:00 and E’s baptism was at 4:00; they were to be there by 3:30. There were three children from the Buckeye First ward getting baptized that day. It was a very nice program. And T gave the talk on the Holy Ghost. She did a good job. She said it had been 15 years since she was baptized. She is a very spiritual person.
A couple of times I sat down at the piano and played it while C and E sang the hymns that I played. We could just find a hymn book. I’d liked to have found a Children’s Song Book. They know more of those songs. Next time we are there they should know where it is. Only the bare necessities had been unpacked. It will take them a while yet to get completely settled. C made the statement after singing We Thank Thee O God for a Prophet, that Grandma R doesn’t believe the way we do but she respects what we believe. I tho’t that was very good for both Grandma R and the children to realize that. They have a good relationship as do we.
E was radiant after her baptism. She looked so angelic in her white dress. I couldn’t hear much of the blessing that R gave her. (They don’t believe in using microphones in Arizona. I couldn’t hear D’s either.) Afterwards, friends and their children came over to the house and had refreshments…supper. They stayed until about 9:30 or so. It was very enjoyable.
Their church meetings start at 8:00!! That is early. We got there before the sacrament which I tho’t was good. We enjoyed being there at church with them. D wasn’t feeling well so he wasn’t there but the rest were. And K, T’s cousin/stepbrother went with us too. I think it would be neat if he got interested in the Church.
That evening we went to the ice cream social that the T's from their old ward holds every fast Sunday. We met many of R and T’s friends and remembered meeting others before. It was very enjoyable. We got home shortly after 10:00. T’s mom stayed home with E and A. T said that that was the first time she’d seen R able to relax when they’ve been there because he didn’t have to wonder where the two little ones were.
T had told us that the day after they moved in that they had noticed all of the covers were off the outlets. Some of the screws they were able to find, others not. It was when they found the screw driver in the refrigerator that they realized that it was Ephriam that had taken them off. He has a real fascination with the refrigerator. We are thankful that he had the muscle dexterity (which most 3 ½ years olds don’t) that he was able to do it without getting himself electrocuted.
I played Battle Ship with D on the way to the social. I played with E and C when we got back. It is much easier to play on the kitchen table than it is in the van going somewhere. The little pieces move around too easily and won’t stay put in a moving car. They need to be magnetized or something. I learned that D was doing a French catapult (I can’t remember the name, needless to say) made out of legos for the Science Fair that was supposed to be last week. I hope he did well. I asked him to send me pictures of it but he hasn’t done it yet. I read the girls a story about the Squeegy Bug. I actually read it twice to E. I had some good visits with both R and T. It was good to be there. I hope we were able to help out somewhat. Next time they will be settled and there will be more time to do things together.
The shuttle was to pick us up Monday morning at 10:05. It was right there on time or a minute or two early. We arrived at Sky Harbor with almost two hours to spare. We arrived in SLC 20 minutes early so we had an hour or a little more to wait for the shuttle to bring us back to IF. We had an uneventful ride home and arrived at the bus depot at 6:50 or so. We were home by 7:15 PM. Everything was good, except Karl had put the plug in the utility sink in the utility room to soak some screws in a golf club head he found the night before we left. (He wanted to get the brass off so he could recycle it.) And he evidently didn’t shut the water off tight. And the utility room was absolutely flooded. It also came out about a yard into the carpet in our big room. Boxes were ruined. It gave us a good excuse to clean everything out of there. He even had to move the washer and dryer and get behind them. Some of the things were on a board but most was not. We still haven’t got everything back in there. I think I’ll take much of the yarn I have and haven’t used, to DI. Someone else can use it. The patterns I may just throw away. I don’t do much sewing anymore.
A couple of times I sat down at the piano and played it while C and E sang the hymns that I played. We could just find a hymn book. I’d liked to have found a Children’s Song Book. They know more of those songs. Next time we are there they should know where it is. Only the bare necessities had been unpacked. It will take them a while yet to get completely settled. C made the statement after singing We Thank Thee O God for a Prophet, that Grandma R doesn’t believe the way we do but she respects what we believe. I tho’t that was very good for both Grandma R and the children to realize that. They have a good relationship as do we.
E was radiant after her baptism. She looked so angelic in her white dress. I couldn’t hear much of the blessing that R gave her. (They don’t believe in using microphones in Arizona. I couldn’t hear D’s either.) Afterwards, friends and their children came over to the house and had refreshments…supper. They stayed until about 9:30 or so. It was very enjoyable.
Their church meetings start at 8:00!! That is early. We got there before the sacrament which I tho’t was good. We enjoyed being there at church with them. D wasn’t feeling well so he wasn’t there but the rest were. And K, T’s cousin/stepbrother went with us too. I think it would be neat if he got interested in the Church.
That evening we went to the ice cream social that the T's from their old ward holds every fast Sunday. We met many of R and T’s friends and remembered meeting others before. It was very enjoyable. We got home shortly after 10:00. T’s mom stayed home with E and A. T said that that was the first time she’d seen R able to relax when they’ve been there because he didn’t have to wonder where the two little ones were.
T had told us that the day after they moved in that they had noticed all of the covers were off the outlets. Some of the screws they were able to find, others not. It was when they found the screw driver in the refrigerator that they realized that it was Ephriam that had taken them off. He has a real fascination with the refrigerator. We are thankful that he had the muscle dexterity (which most 3 ½ years olds don’t) that he was able to do it without getting himself electrocuted.
I played Battle Ship with D on the way to the social. I played with E and C when we got back. It is much easier to play on the kitchen table than it is in the van going somewhere. The little pieces move around too easily and won’t stay put in a moving car. They need to be magnetized or something. I learned that D was doing a French catapult (I can’t remember the name, needless to say) made out of legos for the Science Fair that was supposed to be last week. I hope he did well. I asked him to send me pictures of it but he hasn’t done it yet. I read the girls a story about the Squeegy Bug. I actually read it twice to E. I had some good visits with both R and T. It was good to be there. I hope we were able to help out somewhat. Next time they will be settled and there will be more time to do things together.
The shuttle was to pick us up Monday morning at 10:05. It was right there on time or a minute or two early. We arrived at Sky Harbor with almost two hours to spare. We arrived in SLC 20 minutes early so we had an hour or a little more to wait for the shuttle to bring us back to IF. We had an uneventful ride home and arrived at the bus depot at 6:50 or so. We were home by 7:15 PM. Everything was good, except Karl had put the plug in the utility sink in the utility room to soak some screws in a golf club head he found the night before we left. (He wanted to get the brass off so he could recycle it.) And he evidently didn’t shut the water off tight. And the utility room was absolutely flooded. It also came out about a yard into the carpet in our big room. Boxes were ruined. It gave us a good excuse to clean everything out of there. He even had to move the washer and dryer and get behind them. Some of the things were on a board but most was not. We still haven’t got everything back in there. I think I’ll take much of the yarn I have and haven’t used, to DI. Someone else can use it. The patterns I may just throw away. I don’t do much sewing anymore.
Our Trip to Buckeye Installment I
We left the house at 6:55 am Tuesday morning. We arrived at SL airport by 11:20. Our plane was to leave at 12:35. We go thro' security without any problems. Of course I had to be wanded because my knee beeped when I went thro' the gate. We had about 30 mintes to wait until they started boarding the plane. Since I had gotten online and gotten a boarding pass already, we were B- 7 & 8, we were able to get on before too long and there were plenty of seats. There were empty seats thro' out the plane. We landed in Phoenix 10 minutes early which was nice. I had made reservations with the supper shuttle the day before by phone. I've decided that is the way to do it for sure at all times because they knew where we were going and the address and the cross streets etc. We really didn't have to tell them anything. It took us about 40 minutes to go from the airport to R and T's new house. It is almost due west of the airport. R and T were at their old house doing some cleaning etc. when we got there. We were here an hour or so before T got back. It was two or three before R did because he had to load up the things they didn't want and take it to the transfer station. That is the same as our dump. They take everything that goes to the dump to the transfer station then, bulldozers with bucket lifts lift everything into big trucks and then it is trucked to the dump. We had a late supper. It was sooo good to see everyone. Their house is beautiful and sooo roomy. The children as they showed us around kept saying, "It is soo big!" The rooms are, the yard is, the garage is, etc. Their bottom floor is larger than our main floor of our house then they have six bedrooms and a loft with three bathrooms up stairs. There is also a 1/2 bath down stairs. It is very nice having a bathroom that we share with just the R's and not have to share it with the children. The first night E, who is three, kept coming to visit us after we were in bed. We finally locked the door and then he just knocked on the door a few times. He has a very distinct knock. We can always tell it is E knocking. There is a fan in the room, which makes it very nice. Altho' it was thawing when we left home, It was still supposed to be in the 30's all week in IF. It is spring here!! I have to keep reminding myself that it really is February. It is delightful. The bedroom was actually too warm that first night but the fan made it just right. Their back yard is gigantic!! The children said it was the size of at least two football fields. There is nothing but dirt and tumble weeds out there but there is plenty of room for a nice sized garden, a tennis court, a small swimming pool and still have yard left over. Since this is a dessert, I'm not sure if they will have any grass. They may, time will tell, but it won't be very much if they do. Oh, they also have a three car garage. They are by no means settled but we have been able to help some either around here or watching the children while R and T went over to the other house to finish cleaning up. My husband went with them over there three times to help. They turned the keys in today, so they will be able to spend all of the availabe time in getting settled over here. Téa has a big beautiful kitchen with granite counters. There is an island in the middle with cupboard space underneath and an outlet and a bar with stools on one side. There is a very nice family room off to the side of it. A living or front room in front and a room off to the side behind the garage that they will be using for a school room. They have four computers and T does home schooling. With six children I really don't know how she does it, but she is a very organized person. Both of the R and us have a bedroom with the bathroom in between. C and A share a room, E and E share a room and D and E share a room. That's the way it is so far anyway. We've had to watch E really closely because he loves to go outside and he can open any lock (has been able to practically since he could walk.) He will go out the front door and stand there and ring the doorbell. They have put an otoman in front of the door to slow him down or try to stop him from going out but he can move it himself when he really wants too. Today, he asked T to help him move it in front of the door. (It reminded me of J when he reminded S to lock the door after they returned from the store. And yes the lock was to specifically lock Jin.) Yesterday, M found him a block and a half away. That is the only time that I’m aware of his leaving the yard. They will have to watch him closely tho’ or he could just disappear. They live in a cul-de-sac so traffic isn't a problem right in front of their house but away from the cul-de-sac it could be.
Thursday afternoon I helped C hang up her clothes and get settled in her room. It took us 2 ½ to 3 hours. We did enjoy working together. She said she would get R4 to vacuum her room and I wasn’t sure what she was talking about. After I saw it I could tell it looks like it could have come from Star Wars or something like that.
Thursday afternoon I helped C hang up her clothes and get settled in her room. It took us 2 ½ to 3 hours. We did enjoy working together. She said she would get R4 to vacuum her room and I wasn’t sure what she was talking about. After I saw it I could tell it looks like it could have come from Star Wars or something like that.
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