Sunday, August 26, 2007

Our Tirp to Papillion

Our Trip to Papillion and Back

We got back Thursday evening just before 6:00 pm. It was a wonderful trip but so good to get home. We left Wednesday, August 15 just before 7:00 am to catch the shuttle to the SLC Airport. Our neighbor, Michele Hatch took us over then came and got us too. We let them harvest some of our tomatoes while we were gone. Just before we got to Blackfoot I discovered that I had forgotten my wallet with my photo ID in it. I was sick to my stomach. I didn’t know if I would be in Papillion or Idaho Falls that night. I told Karl that he might have to go on without me. He said, “That’s not going to happen.” He suggested at one of our stops on the way down maybe we could call the Idaho MVD and ask them to send a copy of my driver’s license. We later learned that that wasn’t an option because if they could do it others could too and that could lead to ID theft. Anyway, I felt better afterwards and felt like things would work out. When we got to the airport, I told them that I didn’t have in photo ID and we were from Idaho Falls, Idaho. They asked me if I had any ID at all. I had my temple recommend with me (thank goodness) but didn’t feel it was right to use that. And it didn’t have a photo of me on it. When I told them no, they said that’s OK; you’ll just have to go thro’ some extra screening. Since I’m always “wanded” because my total knee always sets off the alarms, that part wasn’t any different. Then they just checked what was in my purse. The digital camera, my pills, my flash drive, beef jerky, string cheese etc. And that was all there was to it. I actually got thro’ security faster than Karl did because they took me one way with fewer people and he went the other way with everyone else. I tho’t that interesting. We had an about two hour wait for the plane to board. We took off about 1:30 pm. We arrived in Phoenix at 2:00 pm. That’s PST instead of MDT when we left. We had 54 minutes to change planes. Since it was the same airline that we had gotten off of (US Airways) I figured the gates would be close together. Boy was I wrong! We deplaned at B12 and had to go around a corner then on four moving sidewalks and around another corner and down a ways to gate A 22. I had to make a pit stop. Karl decided to go on and not wait for me. I couldn’t see him anywhere when I got out. I waited around for a few minutes then headed for gate A 22. I got there and couldn’t see him anywhere. I walked down the middle all the way back to the restroom. There he was! He had gone to B 22 instead of A 22! And had just gotten back from there. I told him that we had 10 minutes to get to our gate. I felt like he was going really slowly which was very frustrating to me. As we turned the last corner, I heard them announce our flight and naming two passengers then Robinson, party of 2. I was walking as fast as I could go pulling Karl’s carry on bag on wheels (his is smaller than mine). I heard them announce again the same thing as before plus this was the last announcement before take off. I got there in time. Karl was two or three minutes behind me. We were the last ones on the plane. My shins ached almost all the way to Omaha. I told Karl that next time he was to wait for me. I had told him before a couple of times what our next gate was but I guess it didn’t register.
We got to Omaha Airport about 7:40 pm. Bryan and Jason were waiting for us at the head of the ramp before you go downstairs after your luggage. We had both made a pit stop. We got down to the carrousel and waited and waited for our luggage. When they stopped the carrousel and we hadn’t gotten our luggage I wondered if it were even on the plane with us. (We had had the experience eleven years ago where our luggage didn’t change planes as we did so had to wait until the next day to get it.) We went to the US Airways office and she scanned the stickers we had and went into the back room and was pulling our two large bags as she came out. She crossly said, “Well, you weren’t there to pick them up so we collected them.” I tho’t she wasn’t very nice but was very glad to have them. We got to Papillion and Bryan & Sandy’s house about 9 30. I was sooo tired. It had been a very long day. The next day we just kind of rested and visited. We didn’t see Chris because he was still in Iowa installing Dish networks. (We didn’t see him until Tuesday morning.) Jason of course was in bed so we didn’t see him until Thursday morning. Boy, he is a big boy. He could easily pass for a 3 to 3 1/2 year old. He is 34 inches tall and weighs 32 #. He is only 16 months old. I had to constantly remind myself that he is still a baby. He doesn’t walk anywhere. He runs everywhere and never seems to hold still. (I was impressed how well he did in church because of that trait. He was very good.) He goes from one thing to the next with “lightening” speed. He in the cupboards, then trying to turn on the DVD player then goes after the dog, then goes back to opening the drawers or cupboard doors in the kitchen. It wore me out to watch him. He does give hugs and kisses but you have to be ready for them or you miss out. They last about two seconds is all then he’s on his way somewhere else. While we were there,

Bryan took us to see the Dead Sea scrolls which were there on exhibit at the Trailways Visitor’s Center there by the temple. We found it very interesting. They have them here at the museum too (they are both duplicates not the real thing) but we would have had to pay $8 a piece to see them and with them there, we didn’t have to pay anything. He also took us Monday to go to the Durham Union Western History Museum. But they were closed on Monday. So he took us over to the mill that the Mormons built while there at winter quarters. But it was closed on Mondays too. It is tho’t to have been built by Karl’s great- great grandfather, Frederick Kesler, Jr. who was a milner. We did get to see the out side and read the plaque. It is now a sort of museum. We went back to the DUWHM on Wednesday. Jessica and Jason were there with us. We found it very interesting. It is the “new” Union Pacific Railroad Station finished in 1937. It has a BIG lobby with people sized statues in it that when you sit down by them or stand by them they tell you their story. That station move over 10,000 people and troops a day during World War II. When it was no longer the mode of travel of choice it closed down in 1971 and was given to the city of Omaha I think in 1976 for a museum. They have actual train cars in there that you can go thro’. They have the history of the city of Omaha. The Mormons were the first white people to go there, except for maybe some explorers (Lewis & Clark etc.) Of course the Indians were there before then. They had the story on Chief Standing Bear who was of a native tribe there who was relocated by the US Government to Oklahoma. He and some others decided they didn’t like it there nor the idleness that was imposed upon them so they walked back to Nebraska, the Omaha area. When they got back they were put in jail. An influential lawyer from the East was there visiting or on business and heard of their plight and decided to represent them against the US Government. And they won!! That was about 1869 if I remember correctly. That was the first time that an Indian or Native American was recognized as a person. I hadn’t tho’t about that before. I wondered why since we have heard so much of Chief Crazy Horse of the Sioux and other famous Indian chiefs why we hadn’t heard Chief Standing Bear’s story. As far as I’m concerned that is more important history than Chief Crazy Horse’s story.

The highlight of the trip was going to the temple Tuesday night with Jessica and Chris for their first time. The Winter Quarters Temple is a beautiful little temple. Where the IF temple can hold 150 per session, the Winter Quarters Temple can only hold about 50 and that’s including the officiators. It was a very special experience for Jess and Chris, Bryan & Sandy and us. I told them that the first time Bryan went thro’ the temple for his own endowments that after we reached the Celestial Room I was standing there thinking, “This is what true joy is all about!” Altho’ it just the beginning of “adult hood” for your child, a parent gets a certain feeling of satisfaction and awe that they have been able to teach that young person from birth to be righteous and follow the path of the Lord. I’ve had that feeling with all five of my children and now three of our grandchildren. It is truly a wonderful feeling.

We left the house about 7:10 Thursday morning. Bryan dropped us off at the airport then went into Omaha for a job interview. As we left last Thursday, he had eight more days to work in the Air Force before he retires. It is now down to six. Three days this week and three days the next. His retirement ceremony will be on September 7. It would have been so nice to have been there for that too. But I’m think we were there at the right time. They will be leaving the next Monday after that to take Jess and Chris to the MTC in Provo. And I’m sure things will be hectic enough and go more smoothly without our being there. Jess and Chris are ready for their missions and are excited to go. I’m so happy for them that they have the opportunity to go. I tho’t it was so nice and tho’tful of the Brethren to let them enter the MTC the same day (September 12) since they have to come from Nebraska. But Sandy told me that it was probably just a coincidence because they had friends that had a son and daughter leaving about the same time only they entered the MTC two weeks apart. They also were from Nebraska. So they visited family and friends in Utah for two weeks.

We flew from Omaha to Denver then on to SLC. We took off from Omaha about 9:40. Again I had to go thro’ the “special” screening but no big deal. We arrived in Denver about 10:15 and left at 11:20 and arrived in SLC at 12:45. We caught the shuttle at 1:30 and arrived in IF at 5:15 or so. We got home about 5:45 or so. It was sooo good to be home. We found everything just fine. My wallet was right where I had left it. I got unpacked and called Michael and Kim to see if they would be able to come to the Robinson family reunion Saturday. I tried to call both Karen and my mother but neither answered. I talked to both of them Friday afternoon.

Friday, we went to the temple sealing of April George and daughter of a good friend of mine. It was very nice. It was about 20-30 minutes late starting because the groom and forgotten the wedding license and his recommend. But everything turned out all right. I’m sure he’ll be razed about that the rest of his life.

Friday afternoon after eating at Olive Garden after the wedding and having a rest….I was still very tired from our trip….I baked a cake, made my mother’s baked beans with sausage, and a chicken salad for the reunion the next day. It was in Grace, Idaho at the park and Karl and I were in charge of it. We left bout 9:00 Saturday morning. I was sooo glad that I had all of the food I was going to take prepared the evening before. We got to Grace about 11:15, stopped at Mom’s house to let her know we were there then headed over to the park to put covers on the tables and get things set up. At first it didn’t look like there would be very many there but there was a good turnout. Mom’s two youngest sons weren’t there but the other four and her daughter was. All of Stan’s family was there except his youngest son who had to work. Karen, Kent, Kylie, Shani and Macie were there from our family. It was so good to see everyone and get to visit with them and find out what they are now doing in life. We got home about 7:15, stopped at a wedding reception for a young man in our ward, Blaine & Kimberly Larsen Ward’s oldest son. They are the same age as our Bryan and Kimberly went all the way thro’ school from first grade on and primary and everything (as she stated) with him. It was very nice. But again it was very good to get home.

We have missed two full weeks at the FHC. We start back Wednesday. It will good to get back. I'd like to be able to put some pictures on this but can't remember how. I will send them out with the e-mails instead.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

An addition

I forgot to say that I booked tickets last Tuesday to fly to Omaha on the 15th of this month. Jess & Chris are going thro’ the temple for the first time on the 21st and since we aren’t coming back until the 23rd we will be able to be there with them. The other times we have flown out we have been able to take a direct flight from SLC to Omaha. This time there wasn’t one airway that went direct. We stop at Phoenix for 54 minutes and change planes there on the way there and stop in Denver for an hour on the way back. Since we catch the shuttle here at 7:15 am and get there at 7:34 or something like that, it will be a very long day. We leave Omaha about 9:15 or so and arrive back here in IF before 5:30. it surely makes a difference when you gain an hour instead of losing an hour. We are really looking forward to the trip.

Another week in the life of Renée Robinson

This past week has been a very busy week. We were at the FHC for four out of the seven days. Monday was a regular Monday with water aerobics (the only time I went all week). Tuesday, was a laid back day. Wednesday, we started our class on Danish Research at the FHC. We both found it very interesting. It lasted till about 12:10 or so. We then had a special missionary teaching meeting that they have every day but Saturday at 12:15 it only lasts 15 or 20 minutes. Then we had our regular shift from 1-8. Starting with prayer meeting at 12:45.

Thursday, we also went to another Danish Research class. Afterwards we went thro’ a session at the temple. We had meant to take the check book with us since we always eat after a session but we had forgotten it. We had taken our clothes, suitcases etc….Anyway, we went back home and got it and got there for the 2:00 session. We were surely tired by the time we got back.

Friday, we had our third class on Danish Research. We were supposed to tell what we had learned the day before on Danish census. I told them that we had found Karl’s grandmother’s grandmother and her father who was living with them. Then we found her daughter with a man about her age living with them. On a later census it showed that they were husband and wife and showed their four children also. I went home and checked at and found out that all of their work had already been done. It turned out that my mother-in-law had done the research and had had the work done. Karl had even done the work for some of the men. The baptisms all had been done in Medford Temple by Fred and his children. The sealings were all done in Ogden. The endowments had been done in Idaho Falls, Logan, Ogden and Jordan River Temples. Anyway, I shared that with the people in the class then I told them that altho’ the work had been done, that I was glad that we had found it because I had just sent some of their names down to Natasha and Collin to do baptisms for them and not I was able to prevent their being duplicated. Someone there asked me if I had taken the duplicates back to the temple to be canceled. I hadn’t heard of that before. I did that the next day. After the class Friday we went to Office Max and got some note books, folders, envelopes and a 1 Gig flash drive for Karl for $10. We tho’t that a very good buy. It is a Toshibeshi (sp?) He wanted his own and tho’t we couldn’t lose with that. We got home about 2:30 and saw the pole along the front of the house that they brought at 2:00 to put in our new blinds. We had forgotten all about it. So I called them and they were there in about 15 minutes to put them up. We had ordered them the 9th of July. We had been talking about getting vertical blinds for over a year and finally took the plunge. The sheers we had were just thread bare and hanging so raggedly. The blinds are kind of an almond color with a pattern on them. They look very nice. Much better than if they were plain white. The Harpers, James and Mandy and their three children were there to install them. Barissa will be in the fourth grade like Grace will be; Mason will be in second grade like Alex will and Morgan was 2 ½ months old. He was born the day before Anya was. We had a nice visit with them while they were putting them up. The rest of Friday was just kind of laid back and catching our breaths. I did fix supper that night.

Saturday we went to the FHC and were late…we are supposed to be there so Karl could lead the singing and I got on the computer and forgot to curl my hair until the last minute so we got there just as they were finishing prayer meeting. I had time to run some names thro’ temple ready for windows from my PAF file. When I tried to to run them thro’ temple ready to make the TSD (temple submission disk) it only took two families instead of the 17 individuals that my PAF said I had. So I went thro’ PAF again then the Temple Ready again. This time I had three families. I enlisted the help of Brother Anderson. He is working with the “new” program that the church is getting ready to get out. (Already two temple districts are using it….the St. Louis and the Las Vegas Temple districts). He had me erase everything and mark all the names I wanted to do again and as I was marking them, he noticed that I had marked individuals and told me that it now had to be marked family in order for it to take it. So for the fourth time I went thro’ everything again and it worked. By the time I put it thro’ the temple ready program, I ended up with six more male baptisms and five more female. Since I had e-mailed Tanya and asked her to not do the duplicates I was glad that I could replace them and maybe one or two more. It took me about 2 ½ hours in all but I did it and learned something in the process too. I was sooo tired by the time I got home. It had been a BIG week. I just kind of lay around until it was time to go to bed. I am going thro’ my PAF again and trying to estimate dates on marriages or births. If one date is given and it is the full date, you can estimate when the other date was. That is sooo good that they let you do that now. So I worked on that for a while last night too. It doesn’t take too much energy to do that. I was soo tired last night tho’.

I didn’t wake up until 8:05 this morning so I really had to hurry to get showered and ready for church and there by 9:00. I’m glad I went tho’. We had a very spiritual testimony meeting. We had two babies blessed and that always adds. One of the babies great-great grandmothers was there. We had a special fast this week for more moisture. We haven’t had any more than 1 ½ inches of rain since the first of the year. As church had just let out there was a very loud clap of thunder and it started to rain. It rained for only about 20 to 30 minutes but we are hoping and praying that there will be more. Tonight is the family chat. It will be nice to touch base with everyone. We forgot it last month. (Michael didn’t); we had gotten back from Utah about midnight the night before and I just spaced it.

Well there’s another week in my life.