I tho't it would be better to divide these into at least two differnt entries.
For July:
Life's quiet moments hold all the inspiration we need for thrue and lasting happiness.
All we have to do is slow down and ooen our eyes--to the smile of a child, the colors of a sunrise, the effortless flitht of a bird.
If we can capture the simple beauty of these wonders, and carry them with us throughout each day, we'll be at peace with the world--and most of all, with ourselves.
For August:
It's always imprtant to listen to your heart, to do what ;makes you happy and brings peace of mind.
The choice is yours--you can set out on a new adventure, respond to a new opportunity, or you can say "no" to something you're just not ready for.
So next time you have a decison to make, set your daoubt aside and trust yourself to choose what's right for you.
For September:
There are many privat treasues to be found among everyday things--the chirished memories we keep in our hearts...the quiet times when, alone with our thoughts, we feel comfortable and content....the peole we're llucky enough to meet, who then become friends.
It's the deep satisfaction in all of these that ;mekes everydy things into the most valuable treasures of all.
For October:
Within every change life brings us is an opportunity to broaden our capabilities.
If we explore each opportunity with an open mind, if we welcome each challenge with an eager heart, we can learn that change is not something to turn away from but a special chance fcr growth and learning in our lives.
For November:
We are, each of us, a miracle, uniqaue in our own way.
Each day is made special by what we bring to it--the joy, the caring, the closeness we share, ur rich pasts, and vaired experiences.
We explpre our differences and become closer to each other as we celebrate the gift of friendship and the miracle of ourselves.
For December:
For every ending, there's a new beginning--a chance to set new goals, to dream new dreams, to rekindle the hope in our hearts.
For endings are a way of rediscoverihg ourselves--of learning who we are and what we need in life, of finding out where we want to go and who we want to be.
I don't know who wrote these but I tho't they all were very good. The claendar is entitled:
A Special Kind of Beauty, a 12-month Carlton Calendar for 1991.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Some nice quotes
These are some quotes that were on an old calendar---1991:
For January:
Let life happen--make most of every day!
Trust in the rightness of each moment as you explore the world around you, enjoying the friendships, the learning experiences, and the beauty that life brings your way.
For February:
To know love is what life is all about.
To be in love is to possess something that is beyond the reach of age or time.
To give and experience love is to be rich in the joys that give color to each day and significance to each detai8l of our lives.
For March:
One or the nicest things about friendship is that, in getitng to know and understand someone else, we often discover a lot about ourselves.
We grow by heloping others, by sharing their lives, expanding our capacity fro closeness, for caring, for trust and honesty.
Leani;ng to see ourselves through a friend's eyes opens the way to a clearer visioh of who we are and of the special qualities that make us important to the poeple who know us best.
(That last line I really like. I think it is something we all need to work on.)
For April:
When we think back to some of our best times, it isn't surprising that so many of those moments were spent with family.
There's a special closeness to a fmailyh gatherintg that's unlike any other feeling--it's a happiness filled with caring, strengthened by traditon and, most of all, it's a happiness built upon love.
For May:
Be kind to yhourself, be gentle with your thoughts and feelings.
For, the more we can love ourselves and the more honest we can be with our own emotions, the freer we are to love and give joy to others.
For June:
If we knew what tomorrow held, we wouldn't need our dreams our hopes, our plans.
But tomorrow is an unanswered question, a new challenge to face, and always a new adventure to explore.
For January:
Let life happen--make most of every day!
Trust in the rightness of each moment as you explore the world around you, enjoying the friendships, the learning experiences, and the beauty that life brings your way.
For February:
To know love is what life is all about.
To be in love is to possess something that is beyond the reach of age or time.
To give and experience love is to be rich in the joys that give color to each day and significance to each detai8l of our lives.
For March:
One or the nicest things about friendship is that, in getitng to know and understand someone else, we often discover a lot about ourselves.
We grow by heloping others, by sharing their lives, expanding our capacity fro closeness, for caring, for trust and honesty.
Leani;ng to see ourselves through a friend's eyes opens the way to a clearer visioh of who we are and of the special qualities that make us important to the poeple who know us best.
(That last line I really like. I think it is something we all need to work on.)
For April:
When we think back to some of our best times, it isn't surprising that so many of those moments were spent with family.
There's a special closeness to a fmailyh gatherintg that's unlike any other feeling--it's a happiness filled with caring, strengthened by traditon and, most of all, it's a happiness built upon love.
For May:
Be kind to yhourself, be gentle with your thoughts and feelings.
For, the more we can love ourselves and the more honest we can be with our own emotions, the freer we are to love and give joy to others.
For June:
If we knew what tomorrow held, we wouldn't need our dreams our hopes, our plans.
But tomorrow is an unanswered question, a new challenge to face, and always a new adventure to explore.
Another Thursday
I think I broke my right pinky toe Tuesday when I stubbed it. It was swollen yesterday morning then after being on my feet all morning yesterday, I noticed that it was discolored as well as swollen. I had taped it already because that is what they did when I broke before about 25 years ago. I didn't think I had broken it until I saw the discoloration and how much more swollen my foot was. I've been trying to sit with it elevated all day today. It is resting on top of my computer tower right now. It does make walking kind of akward.
My new computer has arrived. I've been trying to delete many of my almost 900 e-mails that I have kept....don't ask me why. But my Outlook is acting up again so it misfunctions after a coupld of minutes. I have found out if I disable the mail delivery I can delete at least 20-30 before it malfuncitons. So that does help. My granddaughter's husband told me last Monday that he would help me set it up and transfer stuff. But they are moving from Pocatellos to Blackfoot yesterday and today so I'm not sure when he could. Saturday would be very nice but I don't know if that is too much to expect. I'm really looking forward to the new machine!
My new computer has arrived. I've been trying to delete many of my almost 900 e-mails that I have kept....don't ask me why. But my Outlook is acting up again so it misfunctions after a coupld of minutes. I have found out if I disable the mail delivery I can delete at least 20-30 before it malfuncitons. So that does help. My granddaughter's husband told me last Monday that he would help me set it up and transfer stuff. But they are moving from Pocatellos to Blackfoot yesterday and today so I'm not sure when he could. Saturday would be very nice but I don't know if that is too much to expect. I'm really looking forward to the new machine!
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Trip to Omaha part 3
I left us at Chris's graduation. It was only a little more than an hour long but the seats were very hard. I had fallen on the steps the day before. I had on my knee high stockings and was not looking at my feet as I went down the stairs and they went out from under me. I just sat down very quickly and very hard. But my sit down surely felt bruised altho' I couldn't see anything in the mirror. My sweet husband took a pillow for me to sit on but it still was difficult to sit there the whole time. I was glad we had to stand up for the processional and recessional. That helped too. The trip home Tuesday was very hard too. I squirmed alot. I'm feeling better today, we went to the temple. I was glad to stand up each time. (Boy! I've changed alot there.) We couldn't figure out what order the students were in. There were names starting with A's on the front row but also O's and S's and W's. Chris was on the third row! So after wards we asked him. They started out aphabetically but then they were able to pick their walking partner. His friend's last name started with a D. So Chris went from the R's to the D's. The last student to get her diploma name started with a T. There were three students who's last name started with a Z. It really had us puzzled. Helen, Al, Karl and I sat on the first row of the balcony. We didn't see Chris march in because Jessica had us all turn toward her so she could take our picture. that's when he came in. We saw him walk out tho'. He even waved to us. I'm glad we were able to be there.
After Chris's graduation we went home to finish fixing dinner. Chris's girlfriend, Dani and her sister Jenifer and mother Julie and her Dad Mark were there. We had met Dani before but it was the first time we had met the rest of her family. They are very nice people. We visited for quite a while after we were thro' with dinner then Bryan brought out his Great Dalmuti game. We taught Julie and Mark how to play it. Chris, Bryce, Jenny and Dani or Sandy didn't play but there were eight of us playing. It was a lot of fun. Julie and Mark seemed to really enjoy playing it too.
We played again Monday night. Bryan, Sandy, Helen, Al, Karl, Sara and me. Bryce had home work, Chris was working at Burger King and Jessica left around noon to fly home. It was sooo nice having her there and having the whole family together. After we got home I got to thinking that Jessica is as much older than Jason as I am older than Bryan. Interesting huh?
Oh, I forgot to tell you what Sandy arranged for me forMother's Day. I had told Téa when we were in Phoenix and I had told Sandy and Bryan after we got there that had started on Epraim's I am a child of God counted cross stitch "thing" just before General Conference and had worked on it while I listened to it. I had completed the hearts and the ring stack and was getting ready to start on the blocks with the initials in. I had left it on the table between the two chiars and hadn't worked on it for a day or two or so. Newspapers had been placed on top of it and my sweet husband gathered up the papers (he usually waits for me to do it) and took them to be recycled. I looked all over for it but I knew I had left it on the table and it was no longer there. He even went back to the recycling place and looked thro' the dumster the best he could without climbing in. He couldn't find it. I was sick. My instructions for making them as well as the embroidery thread and my embroidery scissors were all in the zip lock bag they were in as well as the part I had already done. I could start over all right if I had the instructions. I tho't, "well maybe I could borrow one of Karen's girl's and use it. It wouldn't be as easy but would be possible. I had seen a few different ones with different pictures but the same words. Not as cute but I tho't if I could find one of those but I went to all the craft stores as well as Desert Book and Seagull book and no one had the whole thing. Roberts Craft had the first line and a place for the baby's name and weight and birthdate on it to make into a pillow but it wasn't the same thing. Well the Friday before we left (the same Friday I found out they had found our digital camera) I was on the computer and Bryan came in and said, "You mentioned that you could possiblely borrow one of Karen's girl's I'm a child of God things to look out to help you make one for Jason." I said "yes, I could do that, it wouldn't be as easy as having the directions but it would be possilbe to do that way." Then Bryan said "would this help?" I turned around and he and Sandy were standing there grinning and Bryan held out a kit that was exactly like the first one I had purchased almost 20 years ago for Shani. I think I made hers for her third birthday and have been doing them for the first birthdays for all the others. I was sooo surprised and pleased and thrilled! Now I could make them for our three youngest grandchildren. (I hadn't even told Michael &Tanya yet what had happened.) I could tell that Bryan and Sandy were pleased that I was sooo thrilled. I consider that two miracles happened while we were there. First finding the camera and second getting that I am a child of God kit. I asked them where on earth they found it because I knew they were no longer being made. Bryan said, "Sandy did it. She found it on e-Bay. I said, "I hope you didn't have to pay too much for it." She said, "It was resonable" and left it at that. And then said "Happy Mother's Day!" So I left it at that too. I honestly can't remember what I paid for the first one anyway and I considered this one priceless. There was a woman in Arizona who had bought it years ago and decided that since she had never made it up (I don't think it had even been take out of the bag) she'd sell it on e-Bay. That was the only one available. I'm greatful that Sandy was persistent and got it for me. I really felt bad to think that I may not be able to make one for Ephraim, Abbie and Jason. Now I can.
We left Bryan's house with Sandy and Al at noon on Tuesday. Helen stayed home with Jason, Bryan was at work, Bryce and Sara were at school and Chris was starting his first day on his new job constructing decks. He was thrilled that he could do it this summer. He would have liked to last summer. Our plane left at 2:00pm CDT and was to arrive in SLC by 3:24 MDT. We landed at 3:00 instead. Which was puzzling because it usually takes longer to fly west than east because of the jet stream. I decided that we must have had no head wind at all. We had to just sit there on the runway for 20 minutes because there was a plane still deplaning at the gate we were to use. We had collected our bags by 3:25. We were to meet the shuttle at 4:30pm so we just patiently waited. We had a pleasant ride home. Arrived at the Fairfield Inn right at 8:10pm like we were supposed to. Karl sat up beside Aaron our driver and I found Colleen, Marie and Roger to visit with on the way. I also did some reading too. We arrived home by 8:30. It has been very nice to be home. We did have a very enjoyable stay there with Bryan & Sandy and children. We could see just how involved and busy their lives are. We were thankful that they were able to take the time for us too.
After Chris's graduation we went home to finish fixing dinner. Chris's girlfriend, Dani and her sister Jenifer and mother Julie and her Dad Mark were there. We had met Dani before but it was the first time we had met the rest of her family. They are very nice people. We visited for quite a while after we were thro' with dinner then Bryan brought out his Great Dalmuti game. We taught Julie and Mark how to play it. Chris, Bryce, Jenny and Dani or Sandy didn't play but there were eight of us playing. It was a lot of fun. Julie and Mark seemed to really enjoy playing it too.
We played again Monday night. Bryan, Sandy, Helen, Al, Karl, Sara and me. Bryce had home work, Chris was working at Burger King and Jessica left around noon to fly home. It was sooo nice having her there and having the whole family together. After we got home I got to thinking that Jessica is as much older than Jason as I am older than Bryan. Interesting huh?
Oh, I forgot to tell you what Sandy arranged for me forMother's Day. I had told Téa when we were in Phoenix and I had told Sandy and Bryan after we got there that had started on Epraim's I am a child of God counted cross stitch "thing" just before General Conference and had worked on it while I listened to it. I had completed the hearts and the ring stack and was getting ready to start on the blocks with the initials in. I had left it on the table between the two chiars and hadn't worked on it for a day or two or so. Newspapers had been placed on top of it and my sweet husband gathered up the papers (he usually waits for me to do it) and took them to be recycled. I looked all over for it but I knew I had left it on the table and it was no longer there. He even went back to the recycling place and looked thro' the dumster the best he could without climbing in. He couldn't find it. I was sick. My instructions for making them as well as the embroidery thread and my embroidery scissors were all in the zip lock bag they were in as well as the part I had already done. I could start over all right if I had the instructions. I tho't, "well maybe I could borrow one of Karen's girl's and use it. It wouldn't be as easy but would be possible. I had seen a few different ones with different pictures but the same words. Not as cute but I tho't if I could find one of those but I went to all the craft stores as well as Desert Book and Seagull book and no one had the whole thing. Roberts Craft had the first line and a place for the baby's name and weight and birthdate on it to make into a pillow but it wasn't the same thing. Well the Friday before we left (the same Friday I found out they had found our digital camera) I was on the computer and Bryan came in and said, "You mentioned that you could possiblely borrow one of Karen's girl's I'm a child of God things to look out to help you make one for Jason." I said "yes, I could do that, it wouldn't be as easy as having the directions but it would be possilbe to do that way." Then Bryan said "would this help?" I turned around and he and Sandy were standing there grinning and Bryan held out a kit that was exactly like the first one I had purchased almost 20 years ago for Shani. I think I made hers for her third birthday and have been doing them for the first birthdays for all the others. I was sooo surprised and pleased and thrilled! Now I could make them for our three youngest grandchildren. (I hadn't even told Michael &Tanya yet what had happened.) I could tell that Bryan and Sandy were pleased that I was sooo thrilled. I consider that two miracles happened while we were there. First finding the camera and second getting that I am a child of God kit. I asked them where on earth they found it because I knew they were no longer being made. Bryan said, "Sandy did it. She found it on e-Bay. I said, "I hope you didn't have to pay too much for it." She said, "It was resonable" and left it at that. And then said "Happy Mother's Day!" So I left it at that too. I honestly can't remember what I paid for the first one anyway and I considered this one priceless. There was a woman in Arizona who had bought it years ago and decided that since she had never made it up (I don't think it had even been take out of the bag) she'd sell it on e-Bay. That was the only one available. I'm greatful that Sandy was persistent and got it for me. I really felt bad to think that I may not be able to make one for Ephraim, Abbie and Jason. Now I can.
We left Bryan's house with Sandy and Al at noon on Tuesday. Helen stayed home with Jason, Bryan was at work, Bryce and Sara were at school and Chris was starting his first day on his new job constructing decks. He was thrilled that he could do it this summer. He would have liked to last summer. Our plane left at 2:00pm CDT and was to arrive in SLC by 3:24 MDT. We landed at 3:00 instead. Which was puzzling because it usually takes longer to fly west than east because of the jet stream. I decided that we must have had no head wind at all. We had to just sit there on the runway for 20 minutes because there was a plane still deplaning at the gate we were to use. We had collected our bags by 3:25. We were to meet the shuttle at 4:30pm so we just patiently waited. We had a pleasant ride home. Arrived at the Fairfield Inn right at 8:10pm like we were supposed to. Karl sat up beside Aaron our driver and I found Colleen, Marie and Roger to visit with on the way. I also did some reading too. We arrived home by 8:30. It has been very nice to be home. We did have a very enjoyable stay there with Bryan & Sandy and children. We could see just how involved and busy their lives are. We were thankful that they were able to take the time for us too.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Our Trip to Omaha part 2
I forgot to mention that Bryan was home from work Monday by 2:30pm and after having some lunch took Karl and me to the big gym on base. It is enormous. The track inside is more than a quarter mile around. You have to go only 3 ½ times to make a mile. There is also a full size lap pool and a free weight room plus a basket ball court, tennis court, racket ball rooms and a full sized soccor field too. The machines with weights is in the middle of the track too. (Everything but the pool and weight room are) We worked out about 35-40 minutes then walked around the track once. We went again on Thursday afternoon. Bryan took leave Thursday and Friday. He also had from noon on Wednesday off. Evidently they get the half day off before their leave starts. He had to go back Thursday afternoon to a meeting so Karl and I worked out for close to an hour while he was in his meeting. We took books with us and we read for about a half hour also. With those workouts plus the stairs here at the house, I feel I’m in pretty good shape. The stairs are so much easier than they were especially the first year and even last year too.
Helen and Al Bonneau (Sandy’s parents) arrived Wednesday early afternoon. We hadn’t seen them for two years since Jessica graduated. Sandy went to get them and I babysat Jason while she was gone. I fed him and changed him and when he went to sleep I placed him in his car seat. That’s where he is when he isn’t being held or in bed. (I learned that those carseats are every bit as heavy and awkward as they look.) He had just waked up just before they returned. I was holding him and Helen came over and introduced herself and Grandpa Bonneau to him and Jason made eye contact with each one of them (he doesn’t do that very often) and then me also and gave us each a cute smile as he did so. He even laughed out loud at Helen and me once. Not sure what brought it on but I don’t care. We watched The Chronicles of Narnia (that we brought with us) Saturday afternoon. Sandy had been nursing him and her mother needed help with her washer so I told her I would take him. He nestled down on my chest and went to sleep. Jessica and some friends came back (she came to show Jason off) and they each held him. Even tho’ he had waked up he nestled right back down and slept there the whole movie. Sandy offered to put him in his bed but I told her I really didn’t mind holding him. It was so nice to sit there and feel his little body next to mine. He is such a sweet, special little spirit. I know he will bring such joy to their family. He already has. Sara is just like a little mother to him. (Altho’ she refuses to change a messy diaper. She doesn’t mind just the wet ones.) It’s so good to see her enjoying him instead of being jealous of him. One can tell the babies who are born in this day and age are soooo special and sweet. We know that they are the elite and have been saved especially for this point in time. They must be strong spirits in order to withstand the advisary in this day and age. I’m thankful for the parents these special grandchildren have to lead the way for them and teach them correct principles. I’m thankful that I (and my sweetheart) was taught so I (we) could teach our children so they would be prepared to teach their children. The church and the gospel do certainly play a big role in those teachings.
Wednesday night Bryan, Sandy and Karl went to the awards night for the drama department for Chris and Bryce. Sara, Helen, Al and I stayed home with Jason. We watched Nanny McVee and Bewitched. We really enjoyed them. Thursday night Bryan, Sandy, Al, Karl and I went to Sara’s chorus conert. Chris had to work and Bryce stayed home with Jason. Bryce said he slept the whole time. Sara’s eighth grade chorus was very impressive. They sounded as good as many high school choruses. They started with 79 in seventh grade and had 96 this year. Friday night we watched Nanny McVee again and Les Miserable the musical that Bryce was in the last part of this year. Those high school kids were very talented and did an excellant job. We finished watching it Saturday afternoon. Then we watched Narnia. Karl and I had been the only ones to see it. We all enjoyed it. It also was very well done.
Sunday was Mother’s Day. Karl and I called our mothers Saturday night because we knew yesterday would be very busy. Since Church starts at 9:00 and there are eleven of us here that meant early showers. We got there on time and were all able to go in the van. We just stayed for sacrament meeting. Bryan gave Jason a beautiful blessing. A special men’s chorus sang a beautiful song about the mother making a house a home. They did a good job on it. I wouldn’t have been able to talk afterwards if I’d wanted to. (I can’t be emotional and talk at the same time.) We came home and Sandy put the roasts on to cook and the house was straightened and then we left for Omaha for Chris’s graduation. Chris left earlier. They had to pay $6 to park the van but we parked on the top level and rode the elevator down (it was only about 15 ft from where we parked) then able to walk just a short ways to our seats. When we went to Jessica’s graduation (they were both in the civic auditorium in Omaha, we had to walk up four steep ramps to get to our seats. It was torture for me. I could have done much better this year but Helen would have had much difficulty. Tho’ I wasn’t sorry that we didn’t have to negotiate the ramps either. We had a short wait before the processional started. The band played to entertain us before everything got started.
Helen and Al Bonneau (Sandy’s parents) arrived Wednesday early afternoon. We hadn’t seen them for two years since Jessica graduated. Sandy went to get them and I babysat Jason while she was gone. I fed him and changed him and when he went to sleep I placed him in his car seat. That’s where he is when he isn’t being held or in bed. (I learned that those carseats are every bit as heavy and awkward as they look.) He had just waked up just before they returned. I was holding him and Helen came over and introduced herself and Grandpa Bonneau to him and Jason made eye contact with each one of them (he doesn’t do that very often) and then me also and gave us each a cute smile as he did so. He even laughed out loud at Helen and me once. Not sure what brought it on but I don’t care. We watched The Chronicles of Narnia (that we brought with us) Saturday afternoon. Sandy had been nursing him and her mother needed help with her washer so I told her I would take him. He nestled down on my chest and went to sleep. Jessica and some friends came back (she came to show Jason off) and they each held him. Even tho’ he had waked up he nestled right back down and slept there the whole movie. Sandy offered to put him in his bed but I told her I really didn’t mind holding him. It was so nice to sit there and feel his little body next to mine. He is such a sweet, special little spirit. I know he will bring such joy to their family. He already has. Sara is just like a little mother to him. (Altho’ she refuses to change a messy diaper. She doesn’t mind just the wet ones.) It’s so good to see her enjoying him instead of being jealous of him. One can tell the babies who are born in this day and age are soooo special and sweet. We know that they are the elite and have been saved especially for this point in time. They must be strong spirits in order to withstand the advisary in this day and age. I’m thankful for the parents these special grandchildren have to lead the way for them and teach them correct principles. I’m thankful that I (and my sweetheart) was taught so I (we) could teach our children so they would be prepared to teach their children. The church and the gospel do certainly play a big role in those teachings.
Wednesday night Bryan, Sandy and Karl went to the awards night for the drama department for Chris and Bryce. Sara, Helen, Al and I stayed home with Jason. We watched Nanny McVee and Bewitched. We really enjoyed them. Thursday night Bryan, Sandy, Al, Karl and I went to Sara’s chorus conert. Chris had to work and Bryce stayed home with Jason. Bryce said he slept the whole time. Sara’s eighth grade chorus was very impressive. They sounded as good as many high school choruses. They started with 79 in seventh grade and had 96 this year. Friday night we watched Nanny McVee again and Les Miserable the musical that Bryce was in the last part of this year. Those high school kids were very talented and did an excellant job. We finished watching it Saturday afternoon. Then we watched Narnia. Karl and I had been the only ones to see it. We all enjoyed it. It also was very well done.
Sunday was Mother’s Day. Karl and I called our mothers Saturday night because we knew yesterday would be very busy. Since Church starts at 9:00 and there are eleven of us here that meant early showers. We got there on time and were all able to go in the van. We just stayed for sacrament meeting. Bryan gave Jason a beautiful blessing. A special men’s chorus sang a beautiful song about the mother making a house a home. They did a good job on it. I wouldn’t have been able to talk afterwards if I’d wanted to. (I can’t be emotional and talk at the same time.) We came home and Sandy put the roasts on to cook and the house was straightened and then we left for Omaha for Chris’s graduation. Chris left earlier. They had to pay $6 to park the van but we parked on the top level and rode the elevator down (it was only about 15 ft from where we parked) then able to walk just a short ways to our seats. When we went to Jessica’s graduation (they were both in the civic auditorium in Omaha, we had to walk up four steep ramps to get to our seats. It was torture for me. I could have done much better this year but Helen would have had much difficulty. Tho’ I wasn’t sorry that we didn’t have to negotiate the ramps either. We had a short wait before the processional started. The band played to entertain us before everything got started.
Our Trip to Omaha part 1
I will start this and send it to myself so I can get started on our lovely trip here in Papillion. Today is Saturday, May 13th the day before Mother’s day. We left home a week ago on the 6th at 6:45 am to leave for the Fairfield Inn across town to meet the Shuttle. Our Neighbor, Stan Messick, was kind enough to take us over. There were nine passengers this time all together and they were pulling a trailer behind for the luggage. I met Julia and Jimmy Kennedy from Rexburg and Brooke Rohle from Hillcrest High School area there in IF. We had a delightful chat all the way down. Karl sat up in front beside the driver so he wouldn’t get car sick. Julia and Jimmy were going on their first Carribean Cruise to celebrat their 10th wedding anniversary. Jimmy asked how long I had been married. I told them it will be 44 years in September. He replied, "You’re no spring chicken are you?" It kind of surprised me but didn’t affend me. Around the Bountiful area I asked them if they would like to see my grandchildren. I had our digital camera in my "purse" so I was able to show them the pictures of Kim & Kimberly’s children, Richard & Téa’s children, and Michael & Tanya’s Kendra and Abbie. I stuck it back in my purse but it must have fallen out because after we got to Bryan & Sandy’s and I went to show them to Sandy neither Karl nor I could find the camera. I was just sick and I think Karl was too. They asked if I was sure I had it and I told them yes because I had shown the pictures on it to Julia, Jimmy and Brooke. I hoped immediately that it had fallen out on the Shuttle before I got out of it as opposed to the jet, and the shuttle here in Omaha. Of course the best thing would have been if it had fallen out in the pickup after Chris and Bryan had picked us up at Eppley field there in Omaha. I called the shuttle and they said that Bryan, the driver, wouldn’t be back until 11:00 pm or later their time which would be midnight our time. So I asked them to wait to call in the morning. They hadn’t called by the time we got home from church a little afternoon so I called them again later that afternoon. They said that nothing had been turned in and the information was on the bulletin board if anything should show up. Monday I called Atlanta, the head quarters of Delta, the Park-n-go Shuttle there at Eppley Airport, the Omaha Airport. They all said that nothing had been turned in. So I just kept hoping and praying. I told Bryan that I would probably get another one because I had both the printer that went with it to print off the pictures and another card (a 40 MB card I think) since I had the 1GB card in the camera that I had bought from Kim. Bryan said it sounds like you are playing the "glad game"...finding something positive about this mess. I said that things usually seem better when doing that. Anyway, to jump ahead to Friday, Sandy had gone to take Sara to the doctor and Bryan almost didn’t answer the phone because it looked like a business calling on the ID. But he did. They asked for me. Katie from SaltLake Express (that’s the name of the shuttle company) said that they were going thro’ the lost and found and found what might be my camera. Could I discribe it. I said that it was a small Kodak easy share camera in a small blue denum pocket. She said they had it. She wanted to know where we were. I said we were in the Omaha area but that we would be back Tuesday. She said she would send it with the driver. So altho’ I won’t have any pictures on it of here and everyone here I will have our camera and the other pictures. I feel really blessed. Bryan said that they had enough cameras around here that I could use and then they would e-mail me the pictures I took with them. I said "great!"
Jason is sooo adorable. He looks like his daddy and brothers did when they were as young. Of course he’s already getting his own look. He’s smiling already. He sees angels or someone we can’t see and smiles at them aften. He’s a good baby and a very pleasant baby. He doesn’t have much chance to cry or exercise his lungs with so many people around. Grandma & Grandpa Bonneau are also here and Jessica got here yesterday too. So we are eleven souls in this house right now. It is a few. But great.
Sunday church started at 9:00am so we got up and going early. We finally met Brian & Wendy Hadderlie, Bryan & Sandy’s good friends with whom they’ve been stationed off and on since the Vandenberg days. Sandy is now Relief Society President and Bryan is now the Scout Master. Everyone has been coming and going the whole time we have been here. Their life is very busy and far from dull. Bryan took Karl and me to a session of the Winter Quarters Temple Tuesday night. It is such a beautiful temple! It is one of the small temples but still a good size. I can now stand up throughout the ceremony and the three of us even went up into the prayer circle. The first room we met in was beautiful. It was done in dark wood with gold trim. We then went into another room representing the Terretrial Kingdom. It was all white and gold and very bright. My reaction as I went from the one room to the other was pleasant, thrilling surprise. It is sooo beautiful! I met Sister Millis, the assistant to the matron. Sandy had gotten quite close to her when she and Bryan were in charge of the Baptistry. She asked us if we were here for Jason’s blessing. I told her, "Yes and Chris graduation from high school." She said, "Oh, that’s quite an age span from graduating from high school and a new born." I said, "And that’s not all of it either. Their oldest is a sophomore (I should have said will be a junior this fall) at BYU in Provo." Jason is a surprise but a real blessing in their lives. I know they all will thoroughly enjoy him. I’ll add more later.
Jason is sooo adorable. He looks like his daddy and brothers did when they were as young. Of course he’s already getting his own look. He’s smiling already. He sees angels or someone we can’t see and smiles at them aften. He’s a good baby and a very pleasant baby. He doesn’t have much chance to cry or exercise his lungs with so many people around. Grandma & Grandpa Bonneau are also here and Jessica got here yesterday too. So we are eleven souls in this house right now. It is a few. But great.
Sunday church started at 9:00am so we got up and going early. We finally met Brian & Wendy Hadderlie, Bryan & Sandy’s good friends with whom they’ve been stationed off and on since the Vandenberg days. Sandy is now Relief Society President and Bryan is now the Scout Master. Everyone has been coming and going the whole time we have been here. Their life is very busy and far from dull. Bryan took Karl and me to a session of the Winter Quarters Temple Tuesday night. It is such a beautiful temple! It is one of the small temples but still a good size. I can now stand up throughout the ceremony and the three of us even went up into the prayer circle. The first room we met in was beautiful. It was done in dark wood with gold trim. We then went into another room representing the Terretrial Kingdom. It was all white and gold and very bright. My reaction as I went from the one room to the other was pleasant, thrilling surprise. It is sooo beautiful! I met Sister Millis, the assistant to the matron. Sandy had gotten quite close to her when she and Bryan were in charge of the Baptistry. She asked us if we were here for Jason’s blessing. I told her, "Yes and Chris graduation from high school." She said, "Oh, that’s quite an age span from graduating from high school and a new born." I said, "And that’s not all of it either. Their oldest is a sophomore (I should have said will be a junior this fall) at BYU in Provo." Jason is a surprise but a real blessing in their lives. I know they all will thoroughly enjoy him. I’ll add more later.
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