Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Faith of our Fathers

Today is just an easy going day when I can just stay home all day. I've worked on the baby afghan for Bryan & Sandy's baby, put stuff in the bread maker for some raison bread, and read every one's blog. Bryan suggested that I talk about some of the "non-fiction" books that I've read. I haven't read any for a while. But I'm on the second volume of Faith of our Fathers. It is historical fiction based on the Civil War. It is very interesting. In the manner of Gerald Lund, NC Allen has fictional people in situations that actually took place at that time. She lists a bibliography but doesn't document to the extent that Lund did, but you can tell she has done research and used real life happenings. It really shows the condition of the South at that time, (I'm now in 1862.) The plantation owners were litteraly scared for their lively hood and way of life. They knew that they would not be able to maintain their way of life without slavery. But the condition of most of the slaves was very pathetic on the most part. And she has been able to describe their feelings about not being free to do and live as they wish....even those who were treated well, they still were "owned" by someone else and had to do as they were "commanded" to do. She tells of women who disguised themselves as young boys and fought right along with the men, not being discovered until they were prepared for buriel after they were killed. She told of families split up because some of them didn't believe in slavery and owning other human beings and those who didn't see anything wrong with slavery. She also told how the South believed that they could exist on their own and "whup" the Union in just a few days. It is a good story and does make you think about what went on then. NC Allen is LDS and portrays people of faith even tho' they aren't of our faith. She also decribes what was going on in Utah at the time. I didn't realize that the LDS people also sent militia to help with the war, keeping the mail routes and telegraph lines open and working. It seems Indians as well as ruffians were destroying them. There are four volumes in the series.

Last year I reread the Work & the Glory series. I wanted to reread them because of the emphasis on Joseph Smith and his 200th birthday anniversary. I thoroughly enjoyed them and my testimony of Joseph Smith and his mission and what he and Emma went thro' as well as the early Saints has really grown. My apprecition of him and for the Book of Mormon has greatly increased also. In reading the Book of Mormon twice last year, I had two main tho'ts.....1) that I was amazed at the knowledge the Nephite people had of the Savior, His mission, His death, and even how long before He rose from the dead so many years even before his birth. If the Jews and people of Palestine knew these things it isn't reflected in the Bible. And 2) as we were reading in Moroni, I think it is chapter 8 where he recorded the letter from Mormon, his father, about infant baptism and how it is a mockery of God and Jesus Christ and His Atonement. Even the reason for baptism by immersion and what it symbolizes and represents. These things are also found in Moses in the Pearl of Great Price. So we know that they were given to the Old Testament prophets or at least one Old Testament Prophet.
y tho't was these are some of the plain and precious things that have been removed from the Bible that we are told have been removed from it. I told my husband that surely the Old Testament Prophets were told these same things.....but our present day Bible does not reflect that. These are just some of the tho'ts I have had as we have been reading the scriptures last year and this year.

Monday, January 30, 2006


Today is my parents 64th wedding anniversary. They were married in the Salt Lake Temple. My mother met my father's parents for the first time that day and I believe that they had been married about 18 months before Daddy met my mother's parents. They were both living and teaching in Vernal, UT at the time. Daddy was born in SLC and grew up in Kemmer WY. Mama was born in ElPaso, TX and grew up in Sanderson,TX. Daddy went to the University of Utah and Mama attended BYU. So I figure it was meant to be for them to meet and marry. I didn't come along until 20 months later. World War II had been going on for about seven weeks at that time. Daddy was classified 4F because of his really bad eye sight and because he was flat footed. It was a low blow to him when they wouldn't take him. But they readily accepted it. Because he had gone on his mission to Germany (he arrived back in Kemmer the day that Hilter marched into Poland in 1939) the people there spread rumors thro' out the town that he was a German spy. The Stake President asked Daddy to speak in another ward besides his own one Sunday and went and talked to the people of his ward. I guess they were the worst of the bunch,really giving him a bad time. After that he was a little better accepted. The war years were still hard for him tho' even after he left Kemmer. I think that he was given some trouble in Vernal after Mama and Daddy were married too, if I remember right. Don't quote me on that tho'. My maternal grandparents were both born in Mexico in the Mormon colonies. My paternal grandfather was born in Germany and my paternal grandmother was born in Switerland. Her native tongue was Fremch. They were both 18 or 19 when they came to America. They had both joined the church by then. It turned out that after they met in SLC and got to know each other, they found out that they had come over on the same boat.

The other anniversary? Four years ago today my sister nine years younger than I died of massive pulmonary emboli. (Blood clots in the lungs.) She was very heavy. She had told me just the day before she died that she weighed close to 450 lbs. I had asked her if she had idered gastric bypass surgery. She said that her doctors did't recommend it. I sincerly think that if she had had that surgery, she would be alive today.

Today, I went to my Pilates class again. I can tell that I am getting stronger and can raise up higher than I have been able to before. I told Elena (the teacher) today, that altho' I don't enjoy doing them, I do enjoy the results. It is much easier for me to stand tall now and not stoop and also hold my abdominal muscles in. Time will tell just how much better and healthier they make me.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Stake Conference

Last night and today was our Stake conference. It was sooo good. President and Sister Bricknell of the Idaho Pocatello mission were our guests. They are orininally from South Africa. Sister Brinknell stated that it was so hard when they first got over here 2 1/2 years ago because everything is so different here. She said she had trouble shopping even. And she said you guys have an accent. That just about brought the house down. They definitely have an accent. It is even more pronounced in some ways than the British accent. She speaks very fast so you have to listen closely to understand her at times but she had some very good counsel. Last night she mentioned that since the First Presidency raised the bar on missionaries, that the young men and young women are coming out more prepared spiritually but many of them not prepared physically. She said that being physically prepared is just as important as being physically prepared. Some of the things she mentioned were.: 1) Teach your children how to set goals. 2) Teach them how to work. (She did mention that as President Bricknell communitcated with ohter mission presidents that they have mentioned that the young men and women from Idaho usually do know how to work. But since the farms are getting more machinery etc. and there are fewer farms, that even Idaho needs to take notice too. 3) Teach your children how to handle stress and preasure. 4) Teach them how to shop for healthy meals....get away from the fast food thing. 5) Teach them especially the young men how to clean....she specifically mentioned how to clean a toilet. 6) Teach them how to follow rules. When someone who just returned from his mission was interview he was asked what he would do differently if he were just preparing now for a mission. He said: 1) Play less video and TV games and watch less TV. Because she said the young men and women who do these things when they are on their mission, they actually go thro' withdrawal. 2) He would learn not to sleep in. He said it was very hard to get used to getting up so early EVERY morning. and 3) Don't have a girl friend before your mission. After all you are just courting someone else's wife. That nearly brought the house down too. She also mentioned to teach your children to take care of their health and how to live on a budget. She said that it has been proven that young men and women who don't have supplemental funds from their parents and actually live on the stipend given them make better missionaries. She also mentioned the Preach my Gospel handbook. Stating that it should be in every home and used as a second home evening source. President Bricknell stated that besides praying for the missionaries in general or our own missionaries, that we need to pray for the pair of Elders who are serving in our stake. Today a delight woman about my age, I think alittle older, gave a talk on reading the Book of Mormon. She is from the Kearney 3rd Ward. I didn't know her but would like to get to know her. She made reading the Book of Mormon sound like an adventure. She said that it took ten years for the brethern to get all of those foot notes in place and we need to learn how to use them. She mentioned that on pages 74 and 75 that half of the pages are foot notes and most of us don't use them. A young 14 year old girl also spoke on the Book of Mormon. She bore a powerful testimony of it, especially for one so young. It was refreshing to listen to her. President David Lyman, who is two weeks younger than our Bryan, spoke about standing tall, being courageous, and shrinking. Sister Bricknell and President Bricknell also gave very good talks again. President Batt talked about how we live represents how we let our light so shine and how we represent the Savior. He tells such good stories that really happened to his children to illustrate his points. The music was provided by a woman's choir, women 18 and older. They sang so beautifully. The songs were familiar but different arrangements for three part women's choirs. The first was Do What is Right. The second Sweet is the Work, my God my King. We left feeling so good. And I resolved to read the Book of Mormon every day even if it is just one short chapter. I read chapter three after I got home. I had started again just this past week reading chapters 1 & 2. I need to be diligent in this. Karl & I should finish reading the D&C together since we didn't read all of it last year. Time will tell. We will have to do better than we have been doing.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

More About Me and my New Life

I stated that I started at 221 lbs. On May 4, 2005 I weighed in at 191 lbs. with BMI 34.6, fat % 49.8, fat mass, 94.5 lbs. FFM 95.5 lbs. (this is the first time that I've had more muscle than fat!) TBW 70.0 lbs.

On June 23, 2005 I weighed in at 174.5 lbs. with BMI 31.9, fat% 44.0, fat mass, 77 lbs. FFM 97.5 lbs, and TBW 71.5lbs.

On August 12, 2005 I weighed in at 160 lbs. with BMI 29.3, fat % 45.3%, fat mass 72.5 lbs. FFM 87.5 lbs. TBW 64. lbs. This was at the New U Clinic.

On August 24, I weighed in at Dr. Baird's office at 160 lbs. with BMI 29.3, fat % 36.6%, fat mass 58.5 lbs., FFM 101.5 lbs. TBW 74.5 lbs. I don't know why the difference in the fat % and mass and FFM with the weight and BMI the same. I like the numbers of the latter.

On September 30 I weighed in at 154 lbs with BMI 28.9, fat % 40.6, fat mass 62.5 lbs., FFM 91.5 lbs. TBW 67 lbs. I don't know why my TBW is less because I was finally getting in my 8 cups of water a day. I had only been getting in 6-7 before.

On October 28, at the New U Clinic I weighed in 147 lbs. with BMI 26.9, fat % 40.7%, fat mass 60 lbs., FFM 87 lbs. and TBW at 63.5 lbs. Again I'm not sure why my TBW is down because I'm doing much better on my liquids. They told me at the clinic that the fat% part on their scales was wrong and to go over to Eric Jackson, the exercise physiologist, and he could measure me with calipers and tell me exactly what percentage of fat I have. So I went to my water exercise class then stopped by Eric's place of work. He measured me with a hand held contraption that showed that I had 39.5%. And with the calipers it showed that I have 34.5% body fat. He said that it is exact. At the bottom of all of the weight slips that they have at the clinic it says that the desirable range is 24-36% or 27.5- 49 lbs is the desirable goal. Eric told me that if I lost another 15 lbs. that I would be at my ideal weight for my age and height. I told him that I had never been ideal before. He wieighed me in on his floor, weight scales and I weighed 150 lbs. there. After that I went by Dr. Baird's office and weighed on their scales. They are the same type of scales that they have at the New U Clinic. There my weight was 148.5 lbs. with BMI 27.2, fat % 38.8%, fat mass 57.5 lbs., FFM 91 lbs., TBW 66.5 lbs. Again I'm not sure why the difference but I like the numbers better on the latter.

On November 30, at Dr. Baird's office I weighed in at 146 lbs. with BMI of 26.7, fat % 38.8%, fat mass 56.5 lbs., FFM 89.5 lbs. and TBW 65.5lbs. Dr. Baird told me that they like to see the BMI down below 25 so I had 10-12 more lbs. to go so don't level off yet.

On January 9, 2006 at the New U Clinic I weighed 144 lbs., BMI 26.3, fat % 38.4%, fat mass 55.5 lbs., FFM 88.5 lbs. TBW 65. lbs.

This morning I weighed in at 140lbs. on my scales in my all together. From what Dr. Baird said I have about 8 more lbs. to go. I will keep trying. What is important is that I can do so much more and feel so much better than I did before my surgery. I can go shopping now and with just a cart to hang onto can stay an hour in the store without my back killing me like it used to. I went Christmas shopping with Karen last year and just walked with her. The last time we went together she had to push me in my wheelchair. It is so good to feel like doing that. I can cook more, help others more, stand longer and walk further. Before the snow flew I would walk around the block. I hadn't done that in years! I no longer use my shower chair to take my shower. I am working on machines upstairs at Apple Athletic Club to build my muscle mass. I couldn't tolerate that before. It just feels good to be healthiier!!

I found out at Christmas time that I am now a size 12. A true Medium. I started out at size 24W and that was getting tight on me. The Women's sizes are actually smaller than the ladies or misses sizes. A 16W is an 18 ladies or misses. If I didn't have a roll of skin to get over I could probably get into a 10 ladies or misses. It feels good.

More About Me and the New U Program

Before my surgery, I was taking 18 prescription medications plus various supplements. I had also taken Premarin and for GERD but had gone off of them some time ago. My meds before surgery were:

labetalol 200 mg twice a day for blood pressure
Accupril 40 mg twice a day for blood pressure Maxzide 75/50 daily for blood pressure
Synthroid .175 mg daily for low thyroid
allopuriol 300 mg daily high uric acid (gout)
Actos 45 mg dialy for diabete
Creon 20 3 for times a day for pancreatic insufficiency
quinine sulfate one every night for leg cramps
Neuronton 800 mg one three times a day for neuopathy in my feet
Zocor 20 mg one every night to prevent stroke or CVA
furosemide 20 mg one every other day for foot and ankle swelling
metformin 1000 mg twice a day for diabetes
Protonix 40 mg for GERD
Relafen 750 mg for osteoarthritis

Urecholine 25 mg three times a day for slow bladder emptying
Starlix 120 mg two with meals and at bedtime
Lantus Insulin 20 units before bedtime
oxygen 2 liters at night for low oxygen saturation while sleeping
Multiple Vitamin
Ca++ 1200 mg daily
Mg++ 1500 mg daily
Complex Vitamin B
Vitamin E 400 iu daily
Vitmain C 1000 mg daily

I have now cut them down quite a bit. I was thinking that I would need to have my right knee done with a total knee because it was really starting to bother me. Since I have lost the weight, I no longer have that problem. My current medications include:

Maxzide 75/50 daily for blood pressure
Synthroid .150 mg daily for low thyroid (I was taking .2 mg for years since Kim was born but as you can see it has been cut quit a bit which I can't explain. My TSH was too high so the dose has been lowered twice.
Actos 1/2 of 45 mg tablet daily for diabetes
quinine sulfate
Zocor 20 mg
meformin 500 mg twice a day for diabetes
K+ 10 meq daily (the doctor said this because my kidneys are working better)
Mulitple Vitamin
Ca++ 1500 mg daily
Mg++ 1000 mg daily
Complex Vitamin B
Vitamin D 50,000 units because my Vitamin D was low and Ca++ can't be metabolized when you don't have enough Vitamin D.
cranberry capsules to prevent urinary tract infections
zinc to help my hair get thicker
Biotin to help my hair get thicker
chromium picholonate for diabetes
cinnimon capsules for diabetes
As you can see I am still taking alot of pills even tho' not quite as many as before but I'm now taking more supplements than prescription meds which is very nice.

I'm still on the oxygen at night but O2 Sats when I go into the doctor's office are always 95% now without even thinking about it and before my surgery I had to breathe deeply for a minute or two to get it up to 90%. I think I could be OK without it even at night. I'll check it again in March or April. I no longer have the pancreatic insufficiency nor the reflux and you can tell by the doses that my diabetes is much easier to control also. And the b/p too. My Mg++ is still low and it may always be low but I can live with that. In Septemtber the Mg++ level was 1.23. The normal range is 1.8-2.4. I have had no trouble with reflux, osteoarthritis or slow bladder emptying or neuropathy for many many months. It feels great to be healthier.

My labs reflect that I'm healthier also:

In September my renal panal reults were:
Albumin 3.2 which is a little low. The normal is 3.4-5.

The Glomerial Filtration Rate or GFR is 61. It has been as low as 35.8. Normal is above 90. So I'm not back to normal yet but much better than I was.

BUN 19 the normal is 7-18 but I had been as high as 43

Potassium 3.4. Normal is 3.5-5.1. So I am a little low there.

Creatrinine 0.9 The high normal is 1.3. Mine was up to 1.5 at one time.

The chloride, sodium, carbon dioxide, calcium, and phosophorus were all normal. The serum glucose was 116 which was a little high but not bad for a diabetic who was not fasting. The high normal of that is 110.

In November my C-reactive Protein was .49. Tje normal range is 0-5.2. Mine had been 0.7. It measures inflamation in the blood vessles of the body. They have found out that when blood vessles are inflammed, that it can lead to heart attcks or strokes.

My Lipid panel was also very encouraging. Non-HD 75 Normal is 0-130. Total cholesterol 117. mine had been 164. Dr. Liljuenquist had told me that people with Type II diabetes should keep the total choestrol down below 135. dHDL was 42. Normal is 50-100. So I am a little low there.
Triglycerides were 134. Normal is 30-160. Mine had been as high as 328. This is the first time they have been normal since they first started testing them. Even before they recognized that high triglycerides could be dangerous. My LDL is 48. Normal 0-100. Mine before was up to 74. Altho' it has always been low, it is better now. My coronary Risk is 2.7. Normal range is 0-4. My highest was 3.9. Altho' that is normal this is better.

Me and the New U Program

The first meeting I went to for the New U Program was in August of 2004. Dr. Liljenquist, my diabetes doctor had told me that Medicare now paid for gastric by pass surgery and that I should look into it. He asked me if I could imagine myself 100 lbs lighter. I told him "No, because I had weighed 100 lbs. when I was 9 years old and I weighed 133 lbs. when I graduated from high school and I have no inkling of when I was between those two weights. I weighed 138 lbs. when I was married. The first meeting was a seminar that explained the program and the things, health issues, it could help. I found out that they have monthly support group meetings and I have attended each one since then starting in October, 2004. I saw my surgeon, Dr. Baird, in January and told him that altho' I hadn't gotten a definite yes to go ahead with it I hadn't gotten a definite no either. He told me to come back when I got that definite yes. Dr; Lijuenquist had told me to pray about it. I had been for many months by this time. Both my mother and mother-in-law were very much against this surgery. They had known people with bad experiences with it or had gained all of their weight back plus more. I wasn't going to tell anyone I was thinking about it but my sweet husband couldn't hold it in for some reason. After he told his mother about it, I decided I might as well tell mine too.

Sometime during the middle to the end of January, 2005, I was trying to settle down and get comfortable in bed. My clothes were tight and binding and twisted around my body. It was so hard for me to turn in bed and get comfortable. I tho't how much longer am I going to have to go thro' this. The tho't immediately entered my mind, "You know what you can do about it." It started me then I tho't is that my answer? My heart started to pound and was wired as they say. I couldn't go to sleep or settle down at all. I prayed some more and came to the conclusion that yes, it was my answer. Ater a couple of weeks I called Dr. Baird's office and made an appointment to see him again. He said that I couldn't be scheduled before March 14.

I weighed in at 221 lbs. on March 10. My BMI(body mass index) was 40.4, fat % 50.9%, fat mass 112.5 lbs.,fat free mass (FFM)108.5 lbs. total body water (TBW) 79.5 lbs. My height being only 5'2" I was almost square! On March 13, I started coming down with a cold and ended up with the crude. I coughed for two weeks! My surgery was postponed until March 20. I had two rounds of antibiotics in order to get rid of that crude and cough. I didn't go to church or anywhere. I was miserable but very glad that hadn't had the surgery. (This keeps going in and out of italics without provocation! and I don't understand it.) On the morning of my surgery I weighed in at 216 lbs. So I had lost 5 lbs in the past almost three weeks. I was thrilled. The next morning after my surgery, I weighed 14 lbs more!! and it really startled me. I expected to weigh a little more because I knew that they filled you full of IV fluid but 14 lbs.! Of course I lost that part very quickly. At our first breakfast I weighed in at 203.5lbs. BMI 37.2, fat % 52.0% (?), fat mass 106 lbs. FFM 97.5lbs. TBW 71.5lbs. So I had gone from 240 lbs. down to 213 in one week! I was encouraged. All I could eat that very first week was sugar free jello, 2 TBS. and 2 TBS. of chicken broth three times a day. And try to get in 8 cups of water during my waking hours a couple swollows at a time. That's all I could tolerate at that time. I was to take at least 20 minutes to eat each meal. I had started walking the halls of the hospital the day after surgery. We were to walk every two hours as far as we could. And use our incentive spirometer every hour. That did keep us busy. I sat up from breakfast on until it was time to go to bed at night. After going home I walked outside a couple houses down and back then increased it a house or so each day. The Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday after surgery I didn't walk tho'. I was getting very weak After our First Breakfast (we met with the dietician of the program and talked about what we could eat and not eat and what to expect.) we were able to incorporate protein in our diet and I almost immediately got stronger. I was surprised that I didn't get really hungry. I ate my meals about four hours apart. And contiually tried to remember to drink water, crystal light, V-8 juice or something like that. The V-8 juice I was able to start drinking right after our first breakfast. That V-8 juice tasted almost like heaven. It was so good!

Friday, January 27, 2006

A New U Graduation

Last night I graduated from the New U program. It was a very nice program and very inspirational. There were 10-12 or us. I forgot to count and they didn't have our names listed on the program. They had before pictures and after pictures. My before picture, I used the one that Karl took at Shani & Jon's reception. It's hard to believe that I used to look like that. (I guess that means I've gotten used to the way I look now. :) ) I wish I had a scanner (I will some day) for I would like to scan in both pictures for this blog. Two of the New U faculty told me that they didn't remember my looking like that. People do tend to remember others as they last saw them. The woman who represented us and told her story told us that she started out at 450 lbs. before her surgery. She weighed in last week at 258 lbs. Heavier than what I was to start with. But she was dying she said and now she has a life, is so much healthier, and can even walk without a cane now. She looked great. The man who represented us is a rancher from Star Valley, WY. He said that He weighed over 350 lbs. and people had to boost him on his horse so he could do his work. He said that he fell off that horse many more times than he was ever bucked off. He said that now after he gets on his horse, the horse turns and asks him if he's on yet. Many of the people I wouldn't have known them when they were so heavy because I've only seen them as they lost weight. A young man (probably in his mid 40's) had his surgery the same day I had mine. Since he lives in Preston, ID I haven't seen him since our first breakfast the first Wednesday in April. I wouldn't have recognized him. He is about 1/3 or the man he was. He says he's feeling great and doing just great. I told him I was too. They served Crystal light lemonade with strawberries in, Mazzerella cheese, shrimp with a dip, carrot and cucumber slices with a dip. It was all very good. They would call our name and put up the before picture and as we went up to receive our T-shirt, carnation, and fake certificate that said we would get the real thing in two weeks in the mail, they put up the after picture. Of course everyone could see our after results in person.:) I was glad I went and Karl was glad he went to. It made me feel real good about what I have done and my progress. I will later explain about my weight, medications, and my process thro' the program. I have no regrets and am a great fan of this kind of surgery. It really does save lives. If I had a scanner I would put in my before and after pictures. Maybe some day. I'm saving for a new state of the art computer this summer then maybe I can add it to it.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

The New U Program

I first went to the New U program October 2004. Dr. Liljenquist, my diabetis doctor, suggested that I check it out. He recommended that I have the Bariactric Surgery. That is gastric bypass surgery. He told me to go home and pray about it. I had to think long and hard about it. I knew that my diabetis was getting worse, I was on 18 different prescription medications for various problems. Besides diabetis, I had Hypertension(high blood pressure), GERD, gout, hypothyroidism(low thyroid), respiratory problems, neuropathy especially in my feet but also in the nerves that lead to my internal organs, hypomagnesimia(low magnesium), panreatic insufficiency, and osteoarthritis. He said that that surgery while it won't cure all, can cure some and improve the condition of all of the others. I went to a seminar in August which explained the program and what we would have to do for our insurances to consent to pay for the surgery. I went to the monthly support group which is held the fourth Thursday of every month (except for November which is the third Thursday) in October, November, January and February. I glad I went. People who have had the surgery were there and helped me learn what I could expect and the great improvements it could bring about. I saw Dr. Baird in January and Sandy the dietician, and Eric the exercise physiologist, then too. I told Dr. Baird that I had't had a definite yes but I hadn't had a definite no either. He told me to give him a call when I had my definite yes. The program stipulates that you must see the dietician at least three times and the exercise physiologist at least twice before you will be considered for the surgery. The dietician to get you used to eating more slowly and getting used to not eating certain foods. The exercise physiologist helps you get an exercise program if you don't have one because they tell you that you will have to exercise the rest of your life in order to keep the weight off.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Last night was another DI drive. Karl went down stairs and gathered clothes that he has outgrown and collected in various places. He brought up a denum dress that is a medium that when he first brought it home I didn't think I would ever be able to wear. And it fits great! Even in my arms. It isn't tight anywhere. He also brought up a pretty blue sweater that I don't remember ever seeing. It also is a medium. And it fits. I wore it all day today. It feels so neat to be this size now.

I had a 10:00 nail apointment this morning. Then an 11:00 apointment with Elena Pack who is my personal trainer. Eric Jackman, the physiologist with the New U program suggested that I higher (sp?) one to help me regain some of the mass or muscle I have lost along with the fat with my weight loss. This is the third time I have met with her on a one on one basis. I will meet with her once a month. I was on the treadmill for five minutes at 2.5 mph to warm up. I tolerated it much better than I did in November and was even able to talk while walking. She then helped me with a band that I place under my feet and did curl ups and raises with my arms working on my biceps, triceps etc. I have gone to two Pilates classes, one each the last two Mondays. I can tell that they are really helping me get my abds tightened up. I can tell the difference after doing them each time. I never would have believed that they could make that much difference so quickly. I have even moved my bra over to the last row of hooks! this morning. So altho' I don't have much fat now under my bustline I can tell that my muscles are really tightening up. I can get down on the mat and up again so much easier than I did the first time. The first time I ended up falling down on the mat the last few inches and it was very difficult getting up. It just amazes me how quickly they help. I did some more with Pilates the last part of my session today. Elena said that they are to be done only twice a week. So I did them Monday and today for this week. Next week I will have to do them on my own at home to get the second time in.

I worked some more on the baby afghan that I started yesterday. It is coming right along. It is looking quite pretty. I am glad that I started over with the larger yarn.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

A New Beginning

I have decided that this is a way to keep track of my life right now and maybe let others find out a thing or two about what me and mine are doing. It is a new year altho' it is the fourth week in it but better late than never I always say.

Today has been a quiet day. I have been working on the baby afghan for Bryan's and Sandy's baby. I had about 55 rows done on one but since I had to change yarn and didn't like the way it was looking I decided to start over. So I started over with some new Econo yarn that is larger than what I have been using (I've been using the pompador baby fingering yarn and that has been discontinued.) The Econo yarn is pompador also but just a larger heavier yarn. I think I like the look of it so will go with that. I will have to work diligently tho' in order to finish it before the baby gets here. It is due April 12. So I have less than three months to finish it. I am stronger now tho' than I have been for a long time and can work longer than I have been able to for a long time so that will help. I will tell later why I am stronger and heathier.

I was saddened to learn that my daughter-in-law Kimberly had an ectopic pregnancy and had to have surgery last evening. She was so excited to be pregnant and wanted this baby sooo badly. My heart goes out to her and our prayers are with her. Our temple doesn't open until next Tuesday, January 31 or I would put her name on the prayer roll.

I have been able to stay home all day today which has been a real treat. That doesn't happen very often anymore. It is good to be able to stay home sometimes. It is also very nice to have some place to go.